Fuck Off

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(Ghost's P.O.V.)

I pushed open the door to see how Chris and Vinny were doing, but Kuza was already sitting at their bedside. He looked up at me and sneered, "Fuck off."

"Daddy," Chris whined. "That wasn't nice!"

"Shut up, Chris. I had enough for the day." He grumbled as his eyes continued to burn holes into me.

"That's no way to talk to your mate." I whispered almost inaudibly.

"You... you do not tell me what to do!" He growled.

"Pull the fucking broomstick out of your ass," I snit. "I'm only here to check on Vinny."

"He's fine." He said sternly.

"I don't trust you, I'm examining him for myself!" I hissed.

Vinny whimpered as I approached him. "It's okay, I'm not mad at you sweetie." I whispered.

"See, he's scared of you." Kuza stated.

"Shut up, if anything he's scared of you." I grumbled, sitting beside the boy on the realitively small bed. I shined a light into his eyes to check them, his pupil dilation seemed normal so I moved on and tested his reflexes. From what I could tell everything was normal and there were no visable changes in him.

"Mmm, there's no signs of supernatural traits in you, at least not yet if you're like Chris. He was a bit of a late bloomer, but that's okay these things take time." I stated.

"Am I gonna be okay?" He asked timidly.

"Yeah of course, sweetie." I said reassuringly as I ran my fingers through his silky hair.

I watched as Chris pulled Vinny close to him. "Aww, you two are so cute."  I murmured.

Chris sighed happily and nuzzled his shoulder, "He's the cute one." He said.

"And what makes you think that, little one," Kuza spoke. "You're very cute too."

"I don't know, I'm just not... cute." He mumbled.

"You are to me." He stated.

"You both are very sweet," I agreed. "And Kuza there's something that I need to talk to you about."

He groaned, burying his face into his hands. "What is it this time?"

I looked back at Chris and Vinny. "Alone." I mumbled.

"Can't it wait? I want to spend some time with my mate and his other half." He grumbled.

I thought he didn't want anything to do with Vinny... "Fine, but it's an urgent problem."

"If it's urgent you can tell me now." He said.

I looked at the two boys again. I don't think they could take the idea of going to Hell. "I don't want to scare them." I whispered.

Kuza's expression turned from irritated to grim, "What is it?"

"We need to go back." I stated.

"Go back where?" He whispered.

"You know where." I whispered back.

"What about the kid?" He asked, referring to Vinny.

"He can come with, he has to." I said.

"Fine, we'll go tonight. I'm just reluctant to leave this house... it's been in the family for centuries." He mumbled.

"It'll only be for a little while." I whispered, rubbing his back.

"What if it gets destroyed?" He asked.

"It won't, it's of no use to them." I said.

He sighed, "Okay. Get Ricky, we're leaving tonight."

I nodded and stalked off to find my mate.

(Kuza's P.O.V.)

"Do you boys want to go on adventure?" I asked.

They both perked up. "What kind of an adventure?" Vinny asked.

"Well, all of us are going to leave the house for awhile and settle down somewhere else for the time being." I stated.

Chris sighed looking up at me. "I know this is about the church so you might as well tell us the truth." He mumbled.

"Baby, I don't want to worry you." I started.

"Well what is it?" He asked, sounding impatient.

"We need to migrate back to Hell for a little while, it's the only place that's safe for us." I said.

"What about Vinny?" He asked, hugging him tightly.

"He's going to go with us." I told him.

"Okay." He said.

"Ghost's going to get Ricky and we'll leave, alright? Then you two can have a bath." I said, stroking his hair.

"What's going to happen?" Vinny asked.

"I don't know. We're going to figure it out as we go along." I said.

Ghost just had come back in the room with Ricky, "We're ready, let's get out of this shit show." He mumbled.

I nodded in agreement as I pulled Chris and Vinny out of bed and attempting to balance them in my arms on either side of my hip. They were both kind of heavy, but  I didn't mind considering we arrived at our destination almost instantaneously.

"I remember this place," Chris stated. "This is where you brought me when we first met."

"That's right, sweetheart. And this is where we'll be staying for now." I said before I walked off to get their bath ready.

Once I felt that the water was warm enough, I went looking for them. I saw that Ricky and Devin were crashed on the couch, but where were Chris and Vinny?

I opened the door to my room to see that they were already undressed and shivering slightly from the cold.

"Come on, let's get you guys warmed up." I said, leading them to the master bathroom. I eased Chris into the water first before helping Vinny in so that he was sitting in front of him.

I noticed as they seemed more at ease  as I began to lather them with soap.

"We'll be safe here, I promise." I whispered assuringly.


A/N: Sorry if this chapter is shit. The next chapter is going to be the end and it will break off into a part two or sequel. This will hopefully make it flow easier and so it doesn't drone on forever. So yeah, if you like this story it isn't the "end" end yet.

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