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(Kuza's P.O.V.)

I groaned, nuzzling the warm body next to me. Chris sighed and rolled over to face me. His eyes briefly fluttered open before he wrapped an arm around me.

"Beautiful." I whispered as I kissed his forehead.

"Beautiful?" He asked, opening his eyes again.

"Yeah, you are." I said.

He blushed. "I had fun last night. Thank you."

"Good." I muttered as I untangled myself from the sheets.

"Where are you going?" He asked with a pout.

"I need to see if any members of that underground operation are looking for us since we burned down one of their facilities." I stated.

"There's more churches like that?!" He exclaimed.

"Unfortunately," I said while sighing. "Go back to bed, sweetie. I'll figure this out for myself."

"No. I don't want you to get hurt." He whispered as he grabbed my arm.

"I won't, I promise you. If I don't go though you could get hurt." I said as I gave his hand a squeeze.

"But what if I lose you?" He asked.

"Hey, don't worry about that kind of stuff. You won't lose me. Plus Ghost and Rick will look after you while I'm gone." I whispered, kissing his cheek.

"Please be careful." He said.

"I will." I answered before kissing him one final time before getting ready to go.

I sighed, Devin and Ricky weren't up yet. They'd understand if I left without telling them.

I arrived at the burnt remains of the church, little was left of it. Only rubble and parts of the foundation were all that remained.

"Grab him." A voice said out of nowhere. Before I could react I was thrown to the ground and restrained.

"Demons like being around destruction. Especially when it's the aftermath of something they caused." They scoffed.

"Im not a demon, now let me go!" I growled as I struggled to shake whoever it was off of me.

"Let's get him in the car." Another voice said.

"Fuck You! Let me go now!" I screamed. I realized it was getting harder and harder for me to fight back.

I groaned as I felt something sharp pierce my neck. I came to the conclusion that they had tranquilized me and there wasn't anything more I could do before I lost conciousness.

(Chris's P.O.V.)

I walked out of our room to find Ghost and Ricky. I felt sad, I think it might be from Kuza being so far away from me.

"Hi sweetie, do you know where Kuza is?" Ricky asked once he noticed me walk in.

I nodded and pressed my head against his chest. "Aww, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Just sad." I mumbled.

I jumped as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind, I relaxed when I realized it was just Ghost.

"Can you tell us where he went?" Ghost asked.

"He went to see if there was a hunt for us." I said.

"Why didn't he tell us?!" He sounded alarmed.

"I-I don't know." I stuttered.

"Ghost baby, you're scaring him." Ricky said while rubbing my back.

"But what if he's hurt?" Ghost asked.

Now I was really starting to get nervous. Why did they have a reason to be worried about him? He said he'd be alright.

"But he said he would be okay." I whispered.

"Chris, Kuza thinks he's invincible, but he can't do everything by himself. He needs us." Ghost whispered back.

"Alright," Ricky said. "If he doesn't come back in an hour we're looking for him.

"Ok." I said. I didn't want to have to look for him, in my head he was stronger than some puny experiments and humans. He just had to get through this without getting hurt.

I refused to let go of Ricky as he tried to walk out of the room. I was so scared about Kuza it was almost like his life depended on it if I held on to Ricky tight enough.

"Ghosty, I have stuff that I need to do, would you like to cuddle with Chris?" He asked.

"Sure." I heard him say before I was gently pried away from Ricky.

Now I was holding onto Ghost for dear life as we laid down side by side on the bed.

I whimpered quietly as he stroked my hair. "It's going to be okay. Kuza's tough. He just overestimates himself, so sometimes we've got to jump in and help him." Ghost said.

"Is he going to be okay?" I whimpered.

"Of course he will be. He always turns out fine." He said soothingly.

I sighed and rested my head in his chest, listening to his heartbeat to try and distract myself from my overreactive imagination.

"Why does he just jump in all on his own?" I mumbled

"He doesn't want to see us, hurt especially you." He said.

"I know, but he should know better." I said.

"Yes, he should." He whispered softly.

(Kuza's P.O.V.)

The affects of the tranquilizer didn't last long. When I came to I found myself in a room, similar to a cell surrounded by men dressed as pastors. I growled and began fighting against my restraints.

"Let me go now or I will rip all of your heads off!" I spat.

"Bring him the boy." One man said.

The other nodded and left the room.

My eyes widened, did they have Chris? No matter if they had him or not I couldn't show my weakness.

The man came back a second later shoving a shaking boy in my direction.

I scoffed, "What is this?" I was relieved that it wasn't Chris, but I still didn't know what there plan was.

The poor thing looked up at me with fear in his eyes, but the second after my eyes met his pain shot up through my chest.

I gasped falling to the floor. "Who the fuck is he?!" I screamed. His eyes... they reminded me of Chris in a way that I couldn't quite describe.

"This is Vinny, Chris's counterpart." One said.

Counterpart? "How do you know who Chris is?" I growled lowly.

A/N: College still sucks ass. PS: Ghost is hot.

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