Let It Burn

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(Chris's P.O.V.)

The four of us walked across the field towards the church that held me prisoner for so long. I held gasoline in one hand and a lighter in the other. "You can take the outside. I want to go in." I muttered .

"Are you sure? You could get hurt." Kuza said.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I said numbly.

I started to get nervous as I approached the door. I heard the usual bullshit being spewed from outside. I inhaled sharply before pushing open the door.

As soon as I walked in everyone became silent. I let my wings fall to my sides.

"Impossible!" The priest exclaimed.

"Was I really an experiment, a mistake?" I yelled.

He was silent, "Answer me Father! Kuza told me everything!" I hissed as I allowed the gasoline in the tank to dribble to the floor.

"Do you really think you could trust a Demon's word, child?" He said as he chuckled.

How did he know Kuza was a demon? I scowled, "I trust his word more than the ones of those who crucified an angel!" I spat.

"You aren't an angel, you're a monstrosity that should have been aborted," he stated. "So burn this place. It won't make you any better in the eyes of man or God!"

"I don't care, I have friends - real friends and they accept me," I said. "And as long as this place is ash I'll be happy, no one else will have to suffer."

"Then don't be a coward and do it. Afterwards you'll only realize you have nowhere else to go because these "friends" of yours are using you for their personal satisfaction." He snit.

My eyes narrowed, "Goodbye." I mumbled as I lit the flame and held it to the gasoline soaked ground.

He only laughed as flames started to envelope the isle, no one even seemed to care that there was no escape now.

I made my way outside, smoke  trailing behind me. I noticed that they had already set the outside on fire so our work here was done.

"Good job." Kuza said, patting me on the shoulder. I shrunk away from him, what if Father was right? But I doubted that they were using me, I had to be something more to Kuza or the others. Right?

"What's the matter, are you hurt?" He asked.

I shook my head. I was hurt, not physically but emotionally, what he said couldn't be true. I ran to Ricky, nuzzling him. Ricky couldn't be using me... He was too nice, so was Ghost. I didn't know about Kuza though. I'm only his mate, nothing more.

"Chris, tell us what's wrong." Ricky whispered.

"No." I said, my voice coming out muffled.

"Let's get him back home." Kuza said.

Once we got to the house I curled into a ball on the couch, not wanting to talk to anyone. I whimpered, I could no longer deny that Father was right. They used me... They took advantage of my past and made me burn down my only home. I should've escaped and went back to the church when I had a chance.

The people there may be harsh but they would never make me do stuff like this. I wanted to go back, back to my real home. But it was gone now, they destroyed it.

I started to sob before I felt a hand touch my back, "Go away!" I yelled, smacking their hand.

"Sorry." A voice whispered. I turned to see Ghost standing there, holding his hand and looking hurt.

Seeing the look on his face made me cry harder. He was only trying to help and he didn't understand what was wrong.

I felt myself being lifted up off the couch. Honestly, I didn't care who it was or where they were taking me. I recognized them by their silky wings, it was Kuza. I whimpered and kept quiet as he sat me down on the bed.

"Why did you hit Ghost?!" He growled lowly.

I didn't answer I only snifled and hugged my knees to my chest.

"You better talk-" He whispered harshly before raising his hand.

"Don't hurt him," Ghost exclaimed before moving to sit next to me. "He  didn't mean it."

Kuza narrowed his eyes at him and lowered his hand. "Sweetie, please talk to us. We aren't here to do you harm." Ghost said soothingly.

"F-Father said y-you guys were using m-me. He w-was right because I'm nothing more than some toy for Kuza!" I whimpered.

"We aren't using you." Kuza said bluntly.

Ghost groaned, rolling his eyes at Kuza's callousness. He scooped me up into his arms. "You aren't a toy. You're more than that, you're his world."

"Then what am I to you two? Am I just  someone that does your guy's bidding?" I whispered harshly.

"What else did they tell you while you were in there?" Kuza interrupted.

"Father knew who you were." I mumbled.

"Bullshit." He snorted.

"Hey, listen to the kid for once," Ghost said. "No wonder why he thinks we don't care about him."

"He knew that you were a demon." I stated.

"Well not anymore because he's burnt to a crisp and dead as a doornail." He said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because no one could have made it out of there alive. There were flames the sizes of skyscrapers." He explained.

I moved from Ghost's arms and into Kuza's lap. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

"I promise you we aren't using you. Why else would I go that far to rescue you, my perfect little angel?" He asked as he stroked my hair.

"I don't know." I mumbled.

He sighed, kissing my cheek. "What can we do to cheer you up?" He asked.

I shrugged, avoiding his gaze.

"Ghost, let's think of something." He stated before lifting me so I was laying beside him.

They started whispering to each other. I couldn't tell what they were saying, but judging by Kuza's face he strongly disagreed with Ghost.

He rolled his eyes and the sour look on his face disappeared. "Fine." He mumbled.

Ghost chuckled as he left the room. What were they planning?

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