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~Past Events~

(3rd person P.O.V.)

Chris wasn't born, he was created. He was created for the purpose of a human generated apocylpse. By doing this the humans tried to synthetically make a chimera; one part human, one part demon, and one part angel. Little did they know they created something so terrifying that it could destroy the world without the rest of the creatures needed for said apocalypse.

As we all know, science and religion don't mix and Chris was one of those cases. When his creators realized what potential he had they tried to destroy him. It didn't work, instead they split him in two which caused Vinny to form.

Because of Vinny, Chris didn't have the potential to use his world-ending power before it was designated.

Originally, the human designed apocalypse was created by the church. They believed that if they could speed up Armageddon they would be the only survivors; their theory was the creatures would spare them because they would be able to take commands like puppets. And only then there could finally be be a new world order with only one true religion to shape it.

Though, the humans realized through tests specifically on Chris and Vinny that the creatures have a resistance to commands and being controlled. The humans were stubborn and decided that Chris and Vinny were failed experiments and sent them to be conformed with the church.

Living at the church took a toll on the two creatures, especially Chris. They were worse on him than the were on Vinny, if he defied orders he would automatically be taken to the basement to be punished. But if Vinny did the same he would merely get a slap on the wrist.

This was because the church was aware that Chris was still powerful even if he wasn't whole. The church needed to get more control over him so that he could be more of use in the time that their plans were complete.

Soon, Chris was maturing fast and would realize what he truly was. Vinny on the other hand wasn't quite there yet. The humans decided it was time for Chris to be sent away so he could fully mature with some of his own kind.

To make sure Chris wasn't self aware they waited until he acted out again and delivered to him the ultimate punishment of crucifixion.

The church knew that demons loved to prey on the crucified, so they kept him alive in hopes that one would take the bait and recognize him as an injured demon. Their idea worked, the next day Chris was gone.

But poor little Vinny was left behind only to wonder what happened to his brother. With Chris gone, more of the church's time was focused on conditioning Vinny.

Vinny didn't change much, even with the humans trying to train him, he stayed the same; timid and quiet. Frustrated at the little progress they made with him, they sent him to a testing facility. There, the researchers discovered that Vinny had developed the power to damage Chris's potential mate if they stayed separate like they already were. They came to the conclusion that they had their perfect weapon if Chris tried anything stupid.

(Chris's P.O.V.)

"There's no way in hell I'm participating in some sort of apocalypse!" I spat, denying what bullshit that was explained to me.

"You will," the man said. "It's inevitable."

"I'm not doing it, let me see Kuza now!" I yelled. I needed to get out of here, there has to be a way to stop this mess from happening.

"Go ahead, just know that it's too late to stop us now." He mumbled.

I growled, running out the door and back to the cell block. My eyes widened as I was met with walls that were soaked in blood. But I was relieved to see that everyone was okay and that the men that let Kuza and Vinny out were dead.

"Good, there's Chris. We need to get out of here now." Kuza said frantically. Nobody said a word and we silently followed after him as we tried to search for a way out.

Once back at the house everyone was still on edge, I didn't want to repeat what I've been told to them. They all seemed stressed enough. On the bright side, Kuza didn't seem pissed at us when we went into rescue him.

"We need to get Vinny fixed." Ghost stated.

"W-Wait, what?" He stuttered.

"No, not like that sweetie. We just need to get you to not hurt Kuza everytime you touch him." He explained.

I groaned, thoughts of the past came flowing back to me. If Vinny and I were split apart, would that mean we would have to fuse again? If that's so, would it effect the apocalypse? I still didn't want to tell them what I found out in fear that I would just create a bigger problem.

Kuza seemed to notice my changed demeanor, "What's wrong, baby?" He asked as he rubbed my shoulders.

I closed my eyes and sighed, "I need to talk to you alone." I whispered.

"Okay," he mumbled before taking my hand and leading me back to our room.

I closed the door behind us before flopping back on the bed. "What am I going to do!?" I whined.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"While you were with the others and I was gone," I began. "One of the priests or whatever told me everything. Like Vinny was a part of me and that there's going to be some sort of apocalypse that we're supposed to fight in."

"Oh fuck." He grumbled as he buried his face into his hands.

"I'm sorry, maybe I should just get out of here." I whispered as I was about to get up.

"No," he growled before reaching out to grab my arm, pulling me back onto the bed. "You're my mate and I won't let you do this alone."

"Thank you, Kuza." I whispered.

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