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(Chris's P.O.V.)

I was half asleep but I was jolted awake by an unfamiliar feeling. I gasped, something didn't feel right.

I looked over to see Ghost still sleeping. "G-Ghost wake up, something's wrong." I whimpered as I shook him awake.

He groaned, "What's the matter?" He asked.

"I think something's happening to Kuza." I said softly.

He didn't hesitate to shoot up out of the bed. "Im going to get Ricky." He said quickly.

I laid there, curling into myself and anxiously waiting for them to come back. "Chris sweetie," Ricky said breathlessly. "You gotta stay here, we're going to look for Kuza."

I sat up. "No, I have to go with you! I need to see him!" I yelled.

"You can't, Kuza would skin us alive if he knew we put you in danger." Ghost said.

"So don't tell him! I want to help." I whined.

"Fine, but if we get punished, I'm telling him it's your fault." Ghost grumbled.

"Fine," I huffed. "But how do you know where he's gonna be?"

"I have a rough idea, I kind of have a connection to him too, you know." He stated.

"Now that everything is settled we should go, come on Chris." Ricky said.

We arrived in a place that was vaguely familiar. It seemed to be a lab of some sort, "Everybody be really quiet we don't want them to know that Chris is here." Ricky whispered.

I nodded and grabbed his hand as we walked past things sleeping in some kind of incubator. I held back a whimper, some of them looked a lot like us: horns, wings, claws, whatever the case they were going to be born into the world just like me... they wouldn't know where they came from.

"Shhh." I whispered, making everyone stop as I heard voices from around the corner.

"I'm sorry!" A voice squeaked.

"Just stop, it hurts." Another whispered. My eyes widened,  it sounded like Kuza.

"But we have to get out of here." The other voice said.

"I-I know, but you're hurting me. You're gonna have to get out without me." Kuza said weakly.

I let go of Ricky and ran around the corner and was met with a cell block. All of them were empty except for one. "Kuza!" I gasped, running up to the bars. Except when I tried to touch them they burned my hands.

"D-Don't, they're iron." The other voice stuttered.

"Vinny, what are you doing here?" I whispered.

"They took me too," He whispered. "And whenever I try to touch Kuza I just hurt him!"

"Why?" I asked.

He sighed, "They told me I'm your counterpart."

What? I didn't understand, Vinny and I had been living in church together  for years, was he an experiment too, how did he escape the fire, and what did they mean by 'counterpart'? "That doesn't matter, we have to get you guys out of here." I said.

"How though?" He asked.

"I... don't know." I whispered.

"You have to find the key. One of them has it." Kuza murmured.

"Who's them?" Ricky piped up.

"I think they're men that worked for Chris's church." He said.

"Are they still here?" I asked.

"Yeah, they left a little before you guys got here so be careful." He stated.

"We will, they can't possibly go against three of us." I said.

"Just hurry, I don't know what they're planning." He whispered.

"Okay," I whispered back before grabbing Ricky's hand again. "Goodbye."

"Be safe." He called after us as we began to search the rest of the cell block for a way out.

"See, Kuza wasn't mad that you guys brought me here." I said as we walked.

"He will be once we get him out." Ghost mumbled.

"Don't worry, I'll take the blame." I whispered.

"Uh-huh, sure." He said while sighing.

"Remember what Kuza said," Ricky hissed at us. "He said to be quiet."

We both stood aside as Ricky tried to silently open the door. "It looks just like regular church pews, but let's not keep our gaurds down." He whispered after peeking around the corner.

"Alright, I'll go first. We should just continue in a line with Chris in the middle so he's protected from the front and back." Ghost stated.

"Ghost I don't want you to get hurt either." He said.

Ghost sighed, "Just let me do this."

"Okay fine, let's not fight we're wasting time." He mumbled.

I whimpered and followed Ghost inside as I clutched the back of one of his wings. Ricky came in after me rubbing my back soothingly.

"Nobody move." A voice said as a group of men dressed like pastors surrounded us with their guns drawn.

"We won't hurt you if you give us the hybrid." One said.

"Not a chance in hell!" Ghost growled.

I didn't know what to do, we were trapped. "Give us the key to the cell block and we'll leave." I piped up.

"That doesn't seem like a fair trade, how do we know that you won't come back and burn the place?" The same man asked.

"Then what do you want?" I inquired.

"We need you." He said simply.

I sighed, casting my eyes to the floor. "Fine I'll give myself up for the key. But you have to promise not to hurt the others." I whispered.

"Chris, No! We can't let you do this, imagine what Kuza would do to all of us if he saw this?!" Ricky exclaimed.

"I'm not a baby, Ricky. I can take care of myself. Just get Kuza and Vinny out of this mess." I muttered.

"Fine, it's your funeral." He whispered.

"Does that sound like a fair trade now?" I asked them.

"Yes, follow me and then another of my men will take your.... friends to the cell block." The man said.

"Alright." I whispered as I broke away from Ghost and Ricky and followed the man upstairs.

"Kuza, please save me." I whispered to myself.

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