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(Vinny's P.O.V.)

"This won't hurt will it?" I asked nervously from my spot on what seemed to be an operating table.

"I don't know." Ghost mumbled, flipping through a book.

"You don't know how to do this do you?" I inquired.

"No. I've heard about it being done before though." He answered as he continued to flip through the pages.

I let out an involuntary whimper as I thought about what was to come.

"Okay," he began. "It seems that you're emitting a sort of energy that it's opposite to Chris's which could explain why you can hurt Kuza. But to get rid of the energy is going to be quite difficult."

"So, get on with it then!" I yelled anxiously.

"Alright, alright relax. I just need to set up a couple if things." He said before grabbing some strange looking instruments.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked, fidgeting slightly.

He sighed. "What's causing you to hurt Kuza seems to be some sort of energy that's been implanted in you so I'm going to try to extract it or at least immobilize it."

"And how so you plan on doing that?" I asked skeptically.

"Electric shock." He stated. I didn't realize that he had already set me up to the machine and was quick to hold me down before I bolted.

"Vinny, you have to relax. It's only going hurt for a little bit." He added.

I nodded in reply, whimpering while biting my lip as he let me go.

"'Kay, you ready?" He asked as he started to turn the machine on.

"Yeah." I whispered, bracing myself for the pain.

A jolt shot through me and then pain and spasms. It was enough to make me scream but no sound came out because my teeth were involuntarily gritted. After what seemed like an eternity he finally turned the machine off. I shuttered, trying to get my muscles to relax again.

"I'm only going to do two more rounds and then we'll get Kuza in here to see if it works." Ghost stated.

"Okay, just please make it quick. It hurts." I mumbled.

My body tensed as I felt the next shock coming on. This one seemed more violent than the first. There must be some sort of setting on the machine that can turn the electricity up either that or it's just me.

I didn't get much of a break between this wave and the third. I thought it was painful last time, but this time the pain was so bad that it felt unreal, like my soul left my body because it was too unbearable.

Suddenly I felt instant relieve and felt like I was grounded in my own skin again.

"Alright you can be done," Ghost said. "I'm going to get Kuza."

(Chris's P.O.V.)

I sat up in bed, something felt weird like the air was electric. I felt disconnected from something too, like I lost something or something was missing. I whimpered, curling into Kuza's side.

"What's wrong, pumpkin?" He asked as he rubbed my back.

I was about to answer but Ghost opened the door and interrupting me.

"What?" Kuza groaned.

"I'm done with Vinny. I just need you to make sure it worked." He said.

He sighed before getting up and out of bed. "Okay." He said while sighing.

I got up after him and followed him to the bedroom that Vinny was in. I saw him laying on the bed,hooked up to some machine. "Vin, Vin." I whimpered as I walked to his side.

He looked tired but other than that, he seemed okay. "I'm alright Chris." Vinny whispered drowsily as he grabbed my hand.

I furrowed my brow as I noticed that when our hands touched something was different, like we weren't connected anymore. He felt weird, he felt like any other person would feel like.

I stepped aside so he could touch Kuza. "Good work, Ghost. I don't feel any pain." Kuza said.

Ghost nodded before unhooking Vinny from the machine.

"Come on, Chris back to bed." Kuza said while yawning.

I shook my head, "I wanna spend time with Vinny." I said.

He sighed, "Alright, just let him rest. I love you sweetie." He said as he bent down to kiss me.

"I love you too Kuza." I whispered, kissing him back and getting into bed with Vinny.

He was half asleep already, I sighed moving up behind him to wrap my arms around him. He sighed and relaxed into my touch. "I love you, Vin Vin." I whispered.

"Mmm... love you too Chris." He replied tiredly.

(Ghost's P.O.V.)

I didn't know how that worked with Vinny, but I was grateful at the outcome. I sighed, even though we've accomplished something big; I can't help but feel that something bad is going to happen. And with me being a demon my intuition is usually always right.

"Ghost, can I talk to you for a minute?" Kuza asked.

I nodded and he then quickly pulled me into the library.

"Earlier, Chris was blubbering about Vinny and some sort of 'apocalypse'." He whispered.

And... I was right. "Yes and so?" I asked.

"Do you think that someone just filled his head with those ideas just to scare him, or is it something we should worry about?" He asked.

I sighed, "There was something weird with Vinny. I could sense it when I was trying to drain that energy from him. It wasn't natural, it was like someone implanted it in him." I mumbled.

He groaned, "So I'll take that as a 'Yes we should be really fucking worried'?" He asked.

"I-I don't know yet, alright? Something just seems weird." I stammered, clenching my fists and casting my eyes to the floor.

Kuza's voice softened."Devs, I know you're stressed, I'm stressed too. I've never heard of something like this before except in the bible. It just seems so unreal."

"I know, I think for the first  time in my life I don't know what to do." I whispered

A/N: Sorry for the constant changes in P.O.V. and being inactive. College got in the way and I got really sick. So enjoy I guess and probably expect a long wait period (again) in between chapters for this story or other ones. Btw it took me forever to figure out Ghost's current cosplay. Turns out it's Andrew Ryan from Bioshock Infinite and no new updates just fixed an annoying spelling error.

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