Queen For Queen

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(Chris's P.O.V.)

Why did I become what I did? Was it for a greater purpose other than to be Kuza's mate?

Speaking of that, I don't know what happened yesterday. I just felt this impulse to kiss him, I didn't even mean to get that aggressive with him either. It was almost like it was instinctive to kiss him like it was programmed into me. Maybe that's what part of being someone's mate is like.

I sighed as realized that Kuza had left me alone in the library. I got up and went to find where he had went or at least where the others had gone.

I walked onto the living room, "There's the angel." A voice said cheerfully. It was Ghost, they were playing some kind of game. It looked like it was chess, he was watching while Ricky and Kuza played. I smiled at them before sitting next to Kuza and curling into his side.

"I'm about to beat Kuza, wanna play me next?" Ricky asked me.

"You are not Richard." Kuza said sternly.

"Dude, your queen's gone and you only have two knights, a rook, and your king left. You're going to lose." He stated.

"Well that's what you get when you kill off all your other players and just use the queen." Ghost mumbled and Kuza groaned.

"I'm not going to give up that easy." Kuza said stubbornly.

"Boom, and you lose." Ricky said as he captured Kuza's king.

"Damn it, Rick!" He growled.

"You need to have more brains than brawn," he said as he started to set up the board again. "So Chris, do you wanna play?"

I shook my head. "No thanks." I said.

Kuza sat back with me as we watched Ghost play Ricky. "Don't worry Kuza, I'll avenge you." Ghost joked.

"Yeah, whatever. Rick's gonna beat you too." He mumbled.

"That's the spirit." Ricky chuckled.

"What are you supposed to do?" I whispered as I watched them.

"You've never played chess before?" Kuza asked.

"No, they never let us play games." I said.

He didn't look surprised. "One person has a team and that person's goal is to capture the opposing team's king. If they do it without getting their king captured they win and vice versa." He explained.

"Oh," I mumbled. "Who's winning now?"

"Devin might actually be winning. Surprise, surprise." He brooded.

"Hey, at least I have a strategy!" Ghost remarked.

"Whatever, Ghost." He mumbled.

I continued to watch the two. Ricky had a look of concentration on his face as he decided his next move. "Ah, fuck it. I surrender." He grumbled, realizing that no matter what he did Ghost was going to win.

"Yes!" Ghost said before flipping the board.

I giggled before nuzzling Kuza. "Want a rematch?" Ricky asked Kuza.

"Nah," He said before kissing the top of my head.

"What about you, Ghost?" He asked.

"I've had enough, I just met my daily dose of thinking for the rest of the day." He answered.

"Not even Chris?" Ricky asked before pouting.

I gave him an apologetic smile before shaking my head.

"You guys are boring." He grumbled as he started to put the pieces back in the box.

I squealed as Kuza's breath hit my neck, tickling me. "I love you, my angel." He whispered into my ear before kissing my neck.

Ghost looked at Ricky and pouted, a look of jealousy on his face. "Awe, come here," Ricky said before kissing his cheek and then on the lips.

"They're mates too." Kuza mumbled into my skin.

I could see it, the two of them were missing traits that Kuza had. Ricky had horns and Devin doesn't and Devin has wings and Ricky doesn't. Being mates made them whole.

Only that doesn't make sense in my case. Kuza and I are opposites and we have the same traits. Except I'm a hybrid so that would explain the horns but it doesn't explain why were supposed to be mates. What about us makes us whole? The good and evil characteristics of us were opposite but equal, so that in turn made us peaceful? I wouldn't necessarily think that considering Kuza could have killed me the other night. That was definitely nothing close to peaceful.

I shouldn't think so hard about this, I was already feeling a love towards him that I couldn't describe. Call it Stockholm Syndrome (I could technically leave the house when I wanted because of the pact). But I think I loved him with my own free will.

I blushed as I saw Ricky holding Devin in his lap as they kissed again. I was getting a bit jealous of them so I huffed and tugged at Kuza's sleeve.

"What do you want?" He asked. He had a tone to his voice that he knew what I was hinting at.

"You want to be held too, hmm?" He asked teasingly.

I nodded in reply before he pulled me into his lap. I sighed happily, being held like this made me feel safe. It was one of those rare times where I could at least be given a fragment of affection.

He looked at me oddly before lifting me up and carrying me down the hallway. I heard Ricky and Devin chuckle behind us in usion.

I looked around at the new room we had entered. Everything in here was black or painted black. This definitely was Kuza's room. He shut the door before laying me down on the bed.

"Did you want me to go to bed?" I asked him innocently.

He chuckled darkly, "No, not exactly." He said before removing his shirt.

I looked up at his chest and arms, my eyes going over his tattoos. I made my way to his stomach, a little bit of a tattoo peaked out above his waistline. What was it of?

I crawled forward, tugging at his pants to try to see the rest of it. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I want to see the rest of your tattoo." I said as I fumbled with his belt.

"Oh you're so innocent." He whispered darkly.

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