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(Chris's P.O.V.)

I get it demons have limitations or "exceptions" as he called it, but he was mine to order around now. Obviously I wasn't going to treat him like shit but I needed answers.

"What's your name?" I began.

"I can't tell you." He mumbled, looking away from me.

"Yeah, I know the whole deal about if you know a demons name you have power over it. But I already do have a sort of power over you so you might as well tell me." I stated.

His eyes narrowed, "And how did you know that?" He asked.

"I lived in a church all my life. They tell you those kinds of things." I said.

"Fine," He said while sighing. "My name is Kuza."

"That's not your real name is it?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"It's part of my name, at least it's something that you can call me." He remarked.

"Fair enough," I mumbled. "Mind telling me where we are?"

He snorted, "Take a wild guess." He said.

I cocked my head and he sighed. "Where do all the demons live, sweetie," He spoke as if he were asking a child. He lifted my chin up so I was looking into his bright red eyes. "Come on, I thought they told you these things?"

I shifted my gaze to the floor, I didn't want to believe it. I was in Hell and I didn't think I could go back to earth anytime soon. "I think you already know the answer." He said, chuckling.

"Take me home." I whispered with my eyes still glued to the floor.

"Do you really want to go back?" He asked, moving to sit beside me.

"I don't know, if this is really where I think we are..." My voice trailed off.

"Think about it," He started. "What's more of a Hell to you; the literal place or the place that was made a Hell that had no escape."

I considered the options he gave me. "Literal Hell is far more better than that church that practically uses medieval torture methods." I said. "Only I really don't want to stay here either." I added.

"Then what do you suggest?" Kuza asked.

"I want to get out of here, just anywhere but here and that damn church." I said, becoming anxious.

"That can be arranged." He stated and his eyes seemed to brighten with every word said.

I woke up laying on another bed, but the room was unfamiliar. "Kuza, where are you?" I whispered.

"Right here, love." He answered as he stroked my hair.

Love? What? "Where are we?" I asked, him ignoring the nickname.

"Away, just like you asked." He answered vaguely.

"Mike, what-" Another man walked in, but paused when he saw me. His eyes were a bright blue, they also seemed to glow like Kuza's did, so I knew he wasn't human. But unlike Kuza he was realitvly short and didn't have wings only horns.

"What is it, Ricky?!" Mike said loud and intentionally.

"S-Sorry," Ricky stuttered, "Is he human?"

Kuza or 'Mike' lifted my shirt up revealing the mark. "What does it look like?" He growled lowly.

"What did you want?" He snapped as he roughly lowered my shirt.

"I wanted to bring another human here." He stated.

"No." Kuza was quick to answer.

"Then why do you get one and the rest of us don't?" He asked.

"Because," he began. "He's special."

"So what," He scoffed. "It's not like he isn't going to be like the other ones.

"Get out, Rick." Kuza grumbled, his eyes flaring.


"Out!" He screamed.

Ricky didnt think twice and scrambled out of the room.

"What, 'the others' what was he talking about?" I asked, sitting up.

"Now's not the time." He said in a stern matter.

"I want to know, you have to tell me. It's a part of our deal." I said.

"I don't have to tell you shit!" He fumed.

I whimpered and ran for the door. "Chris, wait!" He called after me.

I kept running but I ended up slamming into someone. They caught me and I looked up. This one had short hair (yay for short haired Ghost!) but like how I've always noticed, piercing eyes. The only way he differed from Kuza and Ricky was that he only had the long, flowy looking black wings.

I felt like I could trust him, I buried my head into his chest and began to cry. He looked shocked and confused, but he gingerly wrapped his arms around me anyways.

"Ghost, give him to me." Kuza demanded as he seemingly glided through the hallway.

The other man shook his head, "You made him cry." He stated.

"Don't you dare defy me," Kuza growled. "He's mine to worry about."

"I can tell he's scared of you right now, just let him calm down. Once he's okay I'll give him right back." Ghost said.

How could he tell? The only thing I was doing was crying. The one called Ghost rocked me in his arms to help calm me. It was working until Kuza spoke. "If I find out that you're whoring around with him I'll kill you both!" He spat.

"Kuza, it's going to be harder for me to calm him down if you keep saying shit like that." He spoke.

He huffed in annoyance before moving to lean against the wall.

My cries turned into soft whimpers and I ran out of tears to shed. "All better?" He asked before kissing my forehead. I nodded and released him from my arms.

"Learn to control your temper." He grumbled to Kuza before stalking off.

"Fuck you." He hissed at him. Afterwards he just stood there glaring at me.

"If you think I'm you're slave, you're wrong, " he began. "This contract goes both ways. You're mine, that pretty little mark on you means you're mine!"

Why did he get such a violent mood swing, was he jealous? "Yes sir." I answered, hoping it would calm him.

"Good." He whispered, giving me a soft smile like nothing happened.

Communion of the Cursed (Kuzaless)Where stories live. Discover now