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(Kuza's P.O.V.)

I placed gentle kisses along Chris's neck and chest, waking him up. His eyes fluttered open and he seemed happy but only for a second as look of pain suddenly crossed his face. "What's wrong?" I asked, stroking his cheek with my thumb.

"Too rough last night." He whispered.

Last night was really the most gentle I've ever been. He was a virgin though, so I could understand. "I'm sorry, but I think I know what would make you feel better." I said, I had a plan in mind for today.

"What is it?" He asked as he stretched.

"Wanna burn a church with me?" I asked.

His eyes widened. "Are you crazy?!" He exclaimed.

"Not just any church, the church I rescued you from." I stated.

"What about the other people who were crucified?" He asked.

"I already achieved what I wanted from the crosses," I began. "You."

"So everyone else doesn't matter now?" He inquired.

"Well.... not necessarily." I said, looking down at him, "So do you want to or not?"

"I wanna piss on the ashes." He grumbled as he sat up.

I didn't want to tell him, but I've had my eyes on that church for awhile. It wasn't just any church but it was more of a testing ground for biblical creatures. Churches like this did underground operations that basically defied religious law. They did kinds of things like messing with human DNA and alchemy to try and create supernatural creatures from scratch.

Even though demons have a bad rep, this was highly morally and ethically wrong. And I hated to say it, but I feel like Chris was one of their early experiments. They probably thought he was defected and decided to keep him locked up anyways just in case he would escape.

Burning that place down would make it so no one has to suffer, well except for the people inside. I was just thinking about the things like Chris who would suffer with not knowing what the fuck they were.

He groaned and stretched once again before heading off to the kitchen.

My eyes widened, "Chris wait!" I called after him but he didn't seem to hear me. Christ, did he forget that he was naked or something?

I ran after him, forgetting my clothes as well. "What the fuck?!" I heard Ricky yell before bursting out into laughter.

"Chris!" I growled, running up behind him and covering his dick with my hand.

At this point everyone was blushing. "W-What were you guys doing?" Ghost stuttered, his face turning red.

I sighed, "Chris forgot he was naked so I tried to stop him." I mumbled, embarrassed.

"That didn't answer the question." Ricky said as he chuckled. He pressed Ghost's face to his chest to sheild him from further embarrassment.

"We fucked." I stated quietly.

Ghost let out a muffled giggle. "Yeah, yeah. I know it's hilarious." I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

I felt Chris shift uncomfortably in front of me. It was probably because I was still covering his dick.

"We're going to get dressed now." I said, letting go of Chris before watching him scurry off.

I followed him back to my room, "You can't just run off like that, especially when you're naked." I stated as I pulled up my pants.

"But what if I want to show off?" He teased.

I growled, pressing my forehead against his. "I don't like sharing." I whispered darkly, trying to intimidate him.

He unexpectedly kissed my nose before backing away. Why did he have to be so cute? He slipped his clothes back on before going back out to presumably find Ricky and Devin again.

Once again I went out after him only to find him latched onto Devin.

"Ghost," I started. "I know Ricky doesn't mind but I want him to myself."

"It's only cuddling." He remarked.

"Please, Kuza?" Chris asked.

I sighed, "Fine." I said before sitting down beside them.

I looked down at them and narrowed my eyes. Chris seemed to notice and took my hand in his.

"What's on the agenda today?" Ghost asked, ignoring my jealousy.

"We're going to burn a church." Chris said.

"What church?" He asked.

"The one that Kuza saved me from." He answered, playing with my fingers.

"That's St. Martin, right?" Ghost asked, his eyes wide.

Chris and I both nodded. "Why?" He asked.

"Honey, there's something we haven't told you. Or maybe you already know about it..." I explained, my voice trailing off.

He looked up at me anxiously. "You... You were an experiment, sweetie." I whispered.

"W-what? I-I don't understand." He stuttered.

"That church was doing things it shouldn't have. They were trying to create... things." I muttered the last word.

"So I was a mistake?" He whispered, his voice cracking.

"No, no, no. Sweetie," I soothed him. "You were meant to be."

"How do you know?" He grumbled.

"Because, you're with us now and that's all that matters." I said as I stroked his hair.

"Is that why you wanted to burn it?" Devin asked me.

"Yeah, I want to make sure that it never has to happen again." I stated.

"So then I am a mistake." Chris whispered.

"Will you stop? You are not, Christopher and I mean it. I'm just saying no one should have to go what you went through!" I exclaimed.

He whimpered, sinking away from me and hiding his face in Devin's chest.

"Kuza, you're going to blow it with him!" He whispered harshly.

I growled, looking down. He had a point, I could only do so much before he would get upset.

"Im sorry." I answered softly.

Chris still was cowering from me. I couldn't blame him. I was hot headed and nearly lost my shit with him earlier.

"Chris, I really didn't mean to yell, baby." I whispered, resting my head on Ghost's shoulder so I could have a better look at him.

He sniffled before peaking up at me. He took my hand in his once again before shutting his eyes. Yet I knew he wouldn't have much time to sleep because we had business to attend to.

A/N: I'm sorry for not updating sooner I've gotten addicted to playing KHUX so that's been stealing my time away from writing.

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