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(Chris's P.O.V.)

I didn't even have time to open my eyes before I screamed. Something sharp and wire like just slammed itself down on my head.

I opened my eyes, trying to look around. I couldn't see, there was blood in my eyes. I whimpered, my hands shooting up to feel my head.
It felt spikey, I think they just put a crown of thorns on me.

I repeatedly wiped my eyes to see what was going on, but blood kept flowing back over them.

"Stand up," a voice growled as I felt my wrists become free.

I stood up shakily, but before I could stand all the way back up I doubled over in pain. I was getting whipped again.

I screamed, it was worse than yesterday. I could feel myself getting whipped two at a time.

I writhed on the floor, trying to roll away and dodged the hits. I just ended up making it worse. Now instead of lacerations just being on my back they were all over the place: on my chest, on my face, and my thighs.
I had no time to rest before they poured something over me. I knew it wasn't water because it stung like a mother fucker. Judging by the smell it had to be rubbing alcohol.

I lay there, coughing and sputtering before being hauled back up on my feet. I was nearly crushed when something heavy was dropped on my back. It felt like a wood post.

"Carry it." The same voice ordered.

I tried, but it was too dark and I couldn't see where I was going. I was tripping over things and falling. Multiple times the post fell on me and every time it was becoming more of a struggle for me to get back up.

It seemed like hours before we made it to the field out back. They made me carry the post all the way to the top of a hill, only then did I realize I was carrying a cross.

At the top of the hill was a dirt lot, with already dug holes, large enough for crosses to be planted in. I looked seeing some already erected, but bare of any people, or the remains of them.

Before I could take anything else in I was pushed to the ground with the cross abruptly pulled off of me.

I groaned, watching a group of men in robes surround me. The cross was pulled so it was flat on the ground.

"N-No." I whispered as two identical dressed men pulled me by the arms over to the cross, laying me on top of it. They both worked at the same time to bind my wrists to the horizontal piece.

Then I looked down to see my ankles being bound. I couldn't let them do this. "Let me go!" I shouted, struggling against my restraints and trying to kick at anyone that tried to touch me. One of the men held my legs down so the other could finish binding me.

I felt like giving up then and there, but soon got a second wind of energy when I saw one more man approach me with a hammer and nails.

"Don't you dare, you bastard!" I screamed, spitting at him.

He didn't seemed phased. He just wiped his face with the back of his hand. I clenched my fists, hoping to make it harder for him to nail me to the cross. Still he pried my hand open with ease and positioned the nail in the middle of my palm. He brought the hammer down hard and I screamed the loudest I have ever screamed in my entire life.

I helplessly watched as my hand was impaled. I prayed for some kind of divine intervention, but I knew it was too late for any of that now.

He did the same to my other hand, it seemed that this time it hurt less, probably because of the rush of adrenaline flowing through my veins.

Before I knew it the cross was being hoisted up with me on it. I was in immense pain because of the force of gravity pulling me down created immense tension on my wrists and hands.

I swore and cursed at the group of men as I saw them walk back down the hill. And even when they were out of view I cursed at them and the church until I exhausted myself.

I must have blacked out because when I opened my eyes the sun was starting to set.

I shivered, it was freezing out here. I squirmed trying to get myself down or at least trying to knock the cross down. I screamed, it just ended up putting me in more pain. I didn't want to be out here alone in the dark. We were told stories about creatures coming to prey on whoever was hanging on a cross out here.

It was probably just used as a tool to scare us into not disobeying, but frankly I didn't want to take any chances. All I wanted to do was get back inside and get warm, but everything was a struggle. Especially since my vision kept fading in and out.

My eyes opened again, this time it was night. I could feel and slightly see something moving inches away in front of me. I wanted to say it was a bird, but birds don't get this big or climb like that.

I stiffled a gasp as I felt one of the nails being pried out of my hand and then, shortly after the other was pried out as well.

I looked back ahead to only see glowing red eyes meet mine. My eyes widened and I whimpered. The thing in front of me growled before I heard the ropes binding my wrists break.

I screamed as I started to fall, but the thing caught me. When it did it felt relatively human. I gasped again and gripped its shoulders, it seemed to be hanging onto the cross.

"I've got you." A male voice said.

"Let me down." I whimpered.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, sweetheart." He answered.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well," He started. "Do you really want to stay here?"

"No." I whispered in defeat.

"Come with me then." He said.

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