Chapter One

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Have you ever thought about time? Not just to acknowledge its existence, but really stopped to think about how time is truly the one thing we can never control. It's completely out of our hands, and no matter what we try to do, it'll always move at the same pace. 


However, even though deep down you know that time is always moving at the same pace, terrifyingly quick to some and frustratingly slow to others, it never feels constant. 


Take, for instance, school. When you're at school, time seems to stop. Five minutes at the end of a sluggish class can feel like three hours, and there's nothing you can do but watch that second hand...


But the minute you get home, get in your pajamas, decide that homework can wait, and begin clicking through youtube videos or playing video games, five hours will pass in a flash and you'll be left wondering where the day went.


And then of course, you decide it's too late for homework anyways, and justify it to yourself, saying that sleep and your health are more important than getting your work done, watch four more videos, and fall asleep with your laptop on your chest.


And the morning always comes, and you always go back to school, dreading that moment when the teacher asks you for your homework, you explain that you didn't do it, not even bothering to come up with a bullshit excuse anymore. There's no use lying when both you and your teacher know the truth.


And finally the end of the day rolls around again, and you're stuck staring at that second hand...





Papers rustled as they were shoved into bags, and the sound of the metal chair legs scraping across the linoleum filled the silence of only two seconds before as the university students stood up and made their way to the door.

"Daniel Howell?" Shit.

Dan looked up through his fringe towards the flood of students bottle-capping the door, and realized he wouldn't be able to get out of this one by slipping out, pretending he hadn't heard his name.

"Daniel Howell." Sighing, the lanky boy shuffled up to the desk at the front of the room, and looked up into the sympathetic yet disappointed eyes of Mrs. Heartwood standing over her desk. Her lips were pursed, and he could tell that she was trying to give her sternest glare, but there was a certain kindness to Mrs. Heartwood that could never be fully disguised by a frown. She truly cared about her students, and Dan felt bad, because this was the one class he did put a conscious effort into studying for, not only was Psychology a bit more interesting to him than his classic 'History of Law' classes, but Mrs. Heartwood made him want to do well, if not for him then for her.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Heartwood. I promise I'll have the paper to you tomorrow." he mumbled, not wanting to look her in the eye. Dan felt as if he had disappointed his mother. Actually, he felt much worse than he would if he had disappointed his mother.

"Dear... tomorrow is Saturday." Her gaze softened into a look of concern, as she sunk into her chair and looked up from her desk.

"Oh... um yeah... right. Monday then."

It was already Friday? Time was moving so quickly. He felt as if he had just started university, but every week passed by so quickly, while still managing to be tedious and grueling during the week itself.

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