Chapter Twelve

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***Author's note: Trigger warning - mention of suicidal thoughts, and self harm***

Dan gasped, sucking in a quick breath of air as he felt Phil's lips contact his skin. Electricity seemed to course out from the spot all throughout his body, sending shivers down his spine. His neck was extremely sensitive, and he could feel Phil slowly working at it, his tongue slipping between his lips, drawing circles on Dan's skin. Phil's hands worked into dan's hips, and his scent flooded Dan's nostrils. 

For a moment, Dan was overwhelmed. Of all the places Phil had to choose, he had chosen Dan's neck? After the moment passed, however, Dan remembered why Phil had done this, and he opened his eyes to see the old woman unabashedly staring at them, jaw open, glaring as if they had just murdered a puppy in front of her. Dan decided to go along with this, wrapping his arms around Phil's neck, staring straight back at her. He wiggled his eyebrows, and shot her a wink, which seemed to shake her out of her stupor. Turning up her nose, she turned on her heels, and walked towards the exit of the church. Only at the very last minute did she turn around to cast one more disapproving glare, to which Dan actually reached up a hand and twiddled his fingers back and forth, waving goodbye with a cheeky grin on his face.

Once she was gone, Dan tapped Phil's shoulders, who disconnected his lips from Dan's neck, leaving behind a large wet spot. He kept his hands on Dan's waist, pushing himself back and holding himself there. The two of them just looked at each other for a moment, before bursting out laughing. 

"Oh my god, Phil, you should have seen the look on her face!" Dan laughed, adding. "Also, next time don't go for the neck." He saw Phil's eyebrows raise at the use of 'next time', and Dan shoved the older boy, laughing.

"Okay explain everything to me! What'd she do?" Phil asked, excitedly. Dan explained the whole situation, and they laughed, turning back to the racks of clothes. After a few minutes, Phil made a sound of excitement, and Dan looked over to see him holding up a hamburger costume. Phil's face was one of immense pride, and Dan laughed, thinking of Tyler wearing this.

"It's perfect!" Phil exclaimed, walking over to the man at the cash box, paying for the costume, and placing it in a bag. Dan walked with the older boy out of the shop, and they began making their way down the street. Dan felt giddy. He had a new hop in his step, and he had completely forgotten about his somber attitude just an hour earlier. He was with his best friend, and he was happy. 

"You hungry?" Phil asked as they walked down the street. 

"Yeah, kind of. What do you want to get?" 

"Well, there's Chinese, pizza, Mexican..." Phil went on to list off ever cuisine known to man plus some, and Dan laughed, stopping him.

"You choose, I don't care." 

"That's the worst answer!" 

"Sorry mate, deal with it." Phil groaned dramatically, and then pulled Dan into a sushi bar. They made their way up to the bar, and sat on stools, overlooking the conveyer belt that made a circle around the kitchen, and Dan watched as plate after plate of delicious looking sushi spun past him. 

They ate for a while, laughing. They were both in pretty playful moods, and kept accidentally ignoring their waitress, not noticing her as she came up behind them at the bar and asked for drink orders, or for how everything tasted. 

Eventually, Dan announced that he was going to head to the bathroom, and stood up. Phil reached out his arm, grabbing Dan's and stopping him in his tracks. Dan looked back to his friend, puzzled. 

"Oh no, Dan..." he covered his mouth in shock, giggling slightly, but also seeming slightly embarrassed.


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