Chapter Four

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Of course he hadn't been in love. He hadn't even had his first kiss. Honestly, he wasn't even sure he'd ever had much of a crush, and he was beginning to think that maybe he was aromantic and/or asexual. He had spent a lot of time looking those terms up online, and reading what people who identified that way had to say about it. He wasn't sure he identified with the same ways they felt, so he didn't know. Maybe he just hadn't met the right person yet?

People had flirted with him here and there throughout his life, but he was just never interested. They were always strangers, and Dan just didn't understand the concept of beginning a relationship with flirting, he felt that he would need to have an established friendship first to develop romantic feelings at all. Starting with romance felt fake to him, and he never returned the few advances he had received throughout the years, so this question was easy for him, answering with few words, and then moving the game along to Tyler. He could tell Phil was uncomfortable with his answer, and saw the way the group looked at him. He knew how it felt to have people staring at you that way, as if something is wrong with you, and didn't even really think about taking the lead to get that attention off of Phil, he just did it.

Tyler's eyes went dark, and he got a mischievous look on his face, pulling out a red block seamlessly. "Dan. I dare you to take off your shirt and leave it off until it's your turn." Dan raised his eyebrows, reaching forward for the vodka, and taking a swig. He could tell Tyler was testing him, and he figured he'd make it clear from the start that he wouldn't be humiliating himself today. Tyler nodded, taking this information in, and turned to Zoe, as it was her turn.

The game continued this way for a while. Louise drank when Alfie dared her to let Tyler tickle her stomach, Alfie drank at Zoe's dare for him to kiss Tyler, who seemed incredibly offended. The tower was knocked down a few times, to which they passed the bottle around, and everyone drank. All of Tyler's questions and dares were aimed towards Dan, most of which he drank to. At this point, Dan's head was feeling warm and slightly fuzzy, and he was just at the point where he wanted to stop drinking. He didn't want to get drunk tonight, and this was just the pleasant buzz he liked. There was a small pause through the group as Zoe reached for a block just as Alfie playfully grabbed her sides, tickling her, and the entire tower came falling down. 

The group just stared at the blocks for a bit, before Alfie mumbled a small "sorry", taking the bottle, and passing it around.

"You guys, I think it's time for a break! How about a movie and snacks?" Louise suggested. Dan was grateful for this. This game was kind of silly, and he didn't care to drink more right now. Everyone murmured assent. Even Tyler only seemed slightly disappointed, but quickly got excited again when the group decided he could choose the movie. 

"You guys, we are gonna go back to the classics! He announced, rifling through a drawer of DVDs and CDs below their television in the living room. Dan helped the group bring over all the snacks to the living room. Tyler plopped onto one side of the couch, remote in hand, Zoe and Alfie staking claim to the other side. Louise settled into an armchair, and Phil leaned up against the couch in front of Tyler, seated on the floor. 

Dan wasn't sure where to go, but once again, Phil seemed to notice, and looked up, tapping the ground next to him. Dan shuffled over, carrying a bowl of tortilla chips and a smaller bowl of guacamole, and settled down next to Phil, leaning against the couch. Tyler excitedly clapped his hands, and hit play, revealing the movie he had chosen, Aladdin. Dan smiled a bit, as an old Disney animated film seemed perfect to him right now.

"Don't mind if I do!" Phil quietly exclaimed, leaning towards Dan, brushing against his shoulder, and taking a chip with some guacamole, then returning to his original position next to Dan, munching on his snack. Dan chuckled a bit, feeling slightly lightheaded. He was further gone than he thought originally. Standing up and moving things around had alerted him to the fact that he had taken several shots at this point, and was actually quite drunk. 

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