Chapter Fifteen

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***Author's Note: Guys, this is amazing! I only started this three days ago, and it's my first fic, and we're already on Chapter fifteen, and people are reading it!!! Thank you!!! Aaaaah!!!!***

The first few days after the drunken birthday night at Phil's had been a bit awkward here and there, but Dan easily fell back into the usual routine with his best friend, and soon there was no awkwardness left. They had begun working on ideas for some new videos, and the week was going well. Everything was fairly normal, except one major thing. Dan had made his decision. He was dropping out of University, and he was going to tell them at the end of this week that he would not be returning after winter break. He had mentioned this to Phil, and told him how scared he was. Phil had comforted him, saying he was proud of his younger friend, and making sure he knew that he was welcome to stay at Phil's as long as he needed, until Phil could find a flat to rent out, and then they'd move in together officially. Dan was so grateful to Phil, and knowing that he had someone to support him through this gave him the confidence he needed. 

The two boys made another video that week, playing would you rather, and it was a huge success. Phil suggested, as he had many times to Dan, that he could give him some money in compensation for being in Phil's videos since Phil got checks for them, but Dan shrugged it off stating that if they were moving into a flat together he probably wouldn't be able to contribute much money for a while, so Phil could see this as pre-payments.

The week passed in a flash, and Friday rolled around to see Dan finishing up packing, and heading to the Administration Office. He filled out some paperwork, talked to a few people, and handed his key in. There. There was no going back. He had officially dropped out of Uni. Dan checked his phone. Phil should be here any minute to help Dan lug his two suitcases back to Phil's house. Right on cue, as Dan looked up from his phone, he saw Phil's smiling face as his friend jogged over towards him. 

"You did it?" Phil asked, excitedly.

"I did it." Dan confirmed, and Phil pulled him in for a hug.

"I'm so proud of you. And now it's break so we have two weeks to do whatever we want! You're still coming with me to my parents' on Monday, right? Just because I'm no longer a 'project' for your class, we're still friends, right?" He asked, joking.

"Of course, and yes I'd love to come, if you're sure they're okay with it."

"Oh, they won't mind a bit! They'll only be there the day we arrive. My parents like to travel to warm places in the winter. It's cheaper, and it gives them a break from the cold, so I'll just be alone in the house, taking care of the garden unless you come keep me company!" Dan nodded. It did sound nice. An entire week to spend with Phil, no classes to interrupt, no nosy roommates. Just the two of them. They could get so much filming done! 

"Alright, well when you put it that way..." Dan teased, and Phil yelped excitedly, clapping his hands. Wow. They were leaving on Monday. All of a sudden Dan felt nervous. What would Phil's parents think of him? "Are your parents..." he trailed off, not sure of exactly what he was trying to ask. "What are they like?"

"My parents are great!" Phil exclaimed. "They're basically just like me... but older. And more northern." Dan laughed. 

"Yes, Phil, I suppose that's what most parents are. Not the northern bit." Phil chuckled, taking Dan's suitcase as they made their way to the bus stop.

"They're going to love you! Just... be ready, they're totally those parents, and don't be put off if they tease or make things weird. It just means they like you." 

"Okay?" Dan agreed, wondering what Phil could mean. They took the bus back to the duplex, and wheeled Dan's suitcases into Phil's room. There wasn't much space, but Dan didn't own much, so he shoved his two suitcases into Phil's closet, and they were set. "Thank you again. For letting me stay here. If you ever like. Need your space, feel free to kick me out and I'll go sleep on the couch or something." Dan offered, feeling a bit guilty. 

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