Chapter Eleven

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The next week passed in a blur. Dan went to his classes each day, and immediately afterwards found Phil, spending the rest of the day playing video games and talking about different ideas for videos. People had liked Dan, and wanted him to return. Phil met with Dan and Mrs. Heartwood, and she was entirely supportive of this partnership, telling Dan that she was impressed with his initiative, and looking forward to seeing how this project went. She even subscribed to Phil's channel. Every moment of Dan and Phil's free time was spent together, and Dan wouldn't have it any other way. The feeling of having a best friend - a second half, was so alien to him, but it was one of the best feelings he'd ever had.

On Friday when school let out, Dan dropped his school bag off at his dorm, and made his way to the courtyard to wait for Phil. Today had been a bad day. It was bound to happen, he had been happy for about a week, and it had to end somewhere. His classes had been awful today, and he was spent. He hated his major. He hated his classes, and he heated his teachers, save Mrs. Heartwood of course. He had no idea why he had chosen Law as a major. It'd seemed like a good idea at the time, but Dan knew he didn't want to be a lawyer. He just didn't know what to do about it. Dan sulked on a bench, scrolling through tumblr on his phone. Ugh why wasn't Phil here yet? He pulled up his messages, and texted Phil.

(3:17 PM) Dan: where are you?????

(3:19 PM) Dan: im in the courtyard

(3:20 PM) Dan: phiiiiiiiiiiil im boreddddddd 

(3:21 PM) Phil: Hey, sorry Dan, got caught up talking to my teacher after class. Be there in a few! :D

(3:21 PM) Dan: hurry up, slowpoke xD

"BOO!" Dan jumped, screaming, whipping around towards the sound that had come from right behind/over him. When he saw his friend standing there, clutching his sides and belly laughing, Dan had a hard time keeping a straight face. He shoved Phil a bit, calling him an idiot. 

"So... what do you want to do today?" Phil asked, a huge smile plastered across his face.

"I don't know..." Dan did feel a bit better now that his friend was here, but he still was just having a down day, and couldn't keep his mind off of his future and what to do about his major. 

"Well, I was hoping you'd come with me into town for a bit, I have to get Tyler's birthday present." 

"Oh right, he said it was this weekend. When is it?"

"Tomorrow. The house is gonna be trashed..." Phil sighed.

"Yeah sure we can go into town. I don't have anything better to do." Dan agreed, and they walked the short distance to the bus stop. Boarding the bus, they made their way to the street with "The   ucky Dragon", and got off, thanking the driver. At this point, Dan knew that Phil must have noticed his mood, as he could sense Phil trying to make him laugh, making jokes and talking in silly voices. Dan smiled halfheartedly at his friend's attempts, truly appreciating Phil's friendship and the fact that he was able to pick up on Dan's dejected state, and wanted to do something to fix it. 

"So... have you checked the comments on our video recently?" Phil asked, smiling at Dan.

"No, last time I checked them was Wednesday night." Dan replied.

"Well... seems we have a... bit of a specific following." Phil worded his sentence carefully, and Dan looked up to see his cheeky grin. 

"What are you talking about?" Dan asked, watching as Phil pulled their video up on his phone, and scrolled down into the comments. About three from the top was the first time Dan ever witnessed the word that would soon surround his life. Phan. The comment read: "OMG they're so cute together! Phil when are you gonna introduce him as your boyfriend? I totally ship Phan."

Dan looked up at Phil questioningly. "Hey, don't ask me why people do what they do on the internet, I have no idea!" Phil laughed. "There are quite a few like that though, seems like people like the idea of Dan and Phil being... well... Dan and Phil." He gave a small eyebrow wiggle at the end, laughing at his fans. Dan chuckled. 

"Well if that's the case, we'll just have to make a Truth or Dare video! Really pluck at those heartstrings." Dan said mischievously, and Phil grinned, nodding his head. 

"Sure, we can film this weekend. It may be tricky with Tyler's party, but I'm sure we can find time." Phil agreed. They walked down the street, and Phil stopped Dan outside a church. Dan raised his eyebrows. He had gone to church a few times with his grandmother when he was little, but he never considered himself religious. Phil certainly didn't seem the religious type, and he felt strange standing in front of this church with him.

"Look at the sign, they're having a charity sale inside!" Phil said, and Dan nodded. 

"I thought you were trying to convert me for a second there." Dan chuckled, elbowing Phil playfully. Phil laughed, and they began to walk in, but found themselves cut off by an older woman. She walked past them, glaring at them as she cut them off, making her way up the steps. Dan looked at Phil and shrugged, following her into the building. 

They walked inside, and saw a few people milling about. Most of the sale seemed to be clothing on racks organized in the middle of the room, but there were some boxes of jewelry, trinkets, and books. Dan and Phil took their time looking through things, and several times Dan felt eyes on him, turning to see the old woman looking at them disapprovingly. At one point, Phil held up a dress to himself, and wagged his eyebrows at Dan, and then created his best female model pose. This earned them an audible tutting from the woman, who Dan had lost his patience with.

"You have a problem?" He asked, turning to her. She stuck her nose up in the air and turned away, leafing through cardigans. Dan looked at Phil and shook his head, but Phil seemed to have an idea. He moved close to Dan, until the younger boy could feel his breath on his face. Dan could see around the back of Phil, the woman had returned to staring at them disapprovingly. 

"Hey Dan... do you trust me?" Phil whispered, biting his lip to hide a daring smile.

"Yeah, why?" Dan asked, and he barely had the chance to finish his answer, before Phil took hold of the boy's waist, pulling him close, and placing his lips on Dan's neck. 

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