Chapter 5

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Dan woke slowly, blinking himself awake. The room was so dark except the light coming from a little nightlight across the room. He didn't have a nightlight. Why was this bed so comfortable, his dorm bed felt like a rock? Then it all flooded back to him. He had done it. He had actually survived his first party. Well... mostly survived. The ringing in his head was hard to ignore. 

What time was it? It felt like morning, and a bit of light came into the room from under the crack of the door, but the only other light was coming from the nightlight. Dan squinted, just able to make out the outline of a pitch black heavy curtain covering what he assumed was a window. It made sense, he thought. Phil must have to black out the room for making videos to control the lighting. Just then, Dan remembered. Phil!

He looked next to him, and noticed the bed was empty. Reaching over onto the end table, he clicked on a small lamp, and immediately noticed a piece of paper placed on the table. It was folded like a letter, and on the outside the name 'Dan' was scrawled out hurriedly. Dan opened up the letter, curious, and was met with some of the worst handwriting he had ever seen. After a few minutes, however, he was able to decipher the lazy scrawls.

Hey Dan, if you're reading this it's because you woke up while I was gone. I shouldn't be gone long, in the meantime help yourself to any food in the kitchen. Right out of this room and to the left is my bathroom and you're welcome to take a shower, there's a clean towel on the shelf across from the sink, and you're welcome to borrow some of my clothes, I laid out an outfit I think you might like and might fit you on top of my dresser. Be back soon!

Dan sighed, placing the letter back onto the end table. A shower did sound good. He felt disgusting, and could still smell the alcohol on himself. Slowly, he got out of the bed and tiptoed his way over to Phil's dresser, being sure as to not knock over any equipment. On the top lied a pair of black skinny jeans, a grey plaid short sleeve button up, a pair of boxers, and a pair of mismatched black and white socks, one with bats on it, and one with spider webs. They must be part of a Halloween set, thought Dan, chuckling a bit. Phil had obviously picked up on his love of everything black and grey. He picked up the clothes, and made his way through the room.

Stepping out into the house, his eyes were assaulted by the light. No one seemed to be awake, and he slipped into the bathroom, putting the clean clothes on the sink counter, hanging the towel from the shelf over the curtain rod, and stepping into the shower. 

The minute the water hit his back, he felt a new surge of energy go through him, and actually felt like he might be able to face the day. Sure, he was exhausted and hungover, but he had actually made a few friends. Or at least was in the process of it. Giving himself a mental pat on the back, he stepped out of the shower and put on Phil's clothes. It felt weird wearing someone else's clothes, especially someone else's boxers, but he didn't dwell on it long. He squeezed some toothpaste onto his finger, running it over his teeth to try to get the taste of vodka out of his mouth, and then slipped back into the comfort of Phil's dark room.

He laid down in the bed, curling up in the duvet, and drifted back into sleep.

"Dan? Dan it's time to wake up." he heard the voice above him, and woke up to Phil's hand rested gently on his shoulder. "Hey sleepyhead, I got you coffee. It'll help your head." The room was softly lit by the lamp on the end table, and there were two cups of coffee sitting next to it.

"Thank you." Dan replied groggily. 

"Your hair is curly!" exclaimed Phil. Dan realized that he had taken a shower, and of course his hair had curled. He hated people to see him like this, and pulled the duvet up and over his head, hiding from Phil.

"Oh god don't look at me." he halfway joked.

"It looks fine, come out and get your coffee." Phil prodded, and Dan complied, sitting up and taking the coffee from Phil's hand. As he emerged from the covers, Phil's eyes widened slightly, and he gave a small smile, seeing Dan wearing his shirt. Dan realized Phil probably hadn't expected him to actually take him up on the offer of borrowing his clothes, and suddenly started worrying that maybe it was just something he offered to be nice, and that he didn't actually want Dan to have worn his clothing. His mind was eased quickly as Phil said,

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