Chapter Nineteen

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Dan settled into the sofa crease, watching Phil flick through options for a movie. He really didn't care what they watched, he just wanted to curl into the nook of Phil's shoulder and breathe in the scent of this incredible boy. It took Phil a while to find a movie that seemed to interest him, but the moment he saw the icon pop up, he clicked, settling back down on the couch with Dan, a grin on his face. Dan laughed at Phil, leaning in to him.

"You're such a sap." he teased, and watched as Aladdin began to play on their TV.  Dan was immediately taken back to the first night he had ever met Phil, leaning back against the couch at his old duplex, slightly tipsy but trying to hide it. He couldn't believe how much he'd changed since then. How much he'd grown. Phil just laughed off Dan's jab, and wrapped his long arms around Dan's shoulders.

They watched the movie, and Dan noticed that Phil had a small smile flickering on his lips the entire time. Dan couldn't make a joke about this, however, as he felt the same shy smile on his face. No matter what he did to hide it, the minute he stopped thinking about it, it returned. As the movie came to a close, Dan found himself wondering something.

"Phil?" Dan asked, curiosity seeping.

"Yeah?" Phil leaned slightly away from Dan so as to be able to look him in the eye, and Dan had to resist leaning towards him, missing the nearness.

"When did you know? About me, I mean." Dan tried to read Phil's face, impatient to know the answer, but was simply met with a look of thoughtfulness.

"I don't know... I mean. Looking back I'm hitting myself for not seeing it sooner." Dan understood the feeling. "I guess deep down I've known for a while. I've never liked a guy like this before, so I think that might be part of why it took me so long to realize. But looking back, I've probably liked you since just a few days after we met, if I'm being honest..." Phil was blushing now. "But I wasn't completely sure until the moment you kissed me. It all just hit me all at once. How stupid I've been."

"We've been." Dan corrected, acknowledging his own blindness in the matter.

"Speaking of... when did you know?" Phil asked, smiling at Dan. The way he smiled at him. Dan had seen this smile before, but now it held a different meaning, and Dan felt his heartbeat quicken.

"Honestly, I don't think I knew until I kissed you either. I don't even know really what I was thinking when I did it, I just knew you were sad and I didn't want you to be sad, and I wanted to be the one to make you feel better. I had to show you I wasn't angry with you, and I guess that all just formed in a kiss. And then I realized what I had missed." Phil smiled, nodding in understanding. 

Dan smiled up at him, and as he leaned in to kiss Phil, he didn't even notice the clock directly above them, clicking loudly. 


The morning came to find Dan in Phil's bed once again. They were both fully dressed, and hadn't done anything the night before other than a few light kisses and cuddles. Dan woke slowly and sighed, taking in as much air as he could through his nose, as if he were trying to inhale every particle of Phil-scent in the room. He couldn't ignore the fact that he was half hard, and after a few moments of relishing in his boyfriend's closeness, he got up and made his way to the bathroom. This time he smiled, realizing he didn't need to feel guilty about thinking of Phil.

The day passed slowly, Dan suggesting that they film a video for DanandPhilGAMES that evening. If they put out content soon, it may help to calm down their fans from the liveshow. They needed that to not be the last thing their fans had seen of them. They decided to film a sims video, and Dan found it harder than ever not to touch shoulders with Phil or stare at him for just a second too long. He contented himself with playing light footsie with Phil under the table. Dan enjoyed watching Phil squirm as he tried not to react, eyes wide as ever staring directly into the camera, refusing to give Dan the satisfaction of looking over at him. It was a dangerous game to play, but so long as they were careful in editing it shouldn't cause any issues.

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