Chapter Fourteen

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Dan awoke slowly, blinking his eyes open, shocked that he didn't have a splitting migraine. He knew he had drank a lot the day before, but that was all that he really remembered. And then he felt the body pressed up against him, a slight sheen of sweat formed between the two, and it all came flooding back to him. Somehow he and Phil had gotten even closer throughout the night, and he felt as if they were melding into one. The duvet had been kicked to the foot of the bed, exposing the boys' skin to the air, which Dan was grateful of as the combination of the two's body heats was making him sweat, skin touching damp skin nearly everywhere.

Strangely enough, the clothed part of the body was the one Dan was most aware of. He could clearly feel something hard behind him, pressing up against the side of his bum. Dan flushed bright red. How had he let this happen? It's okay... he thought to himself. We were drunk... he probably doesn't even remember. If I act like I've been asleep the whole time, he won't know I know, and he can go deal with his little problem, and all will be forgotten. This seemed like a good idea to Dan, until he began to notice his own boxers getting tight, and felt heat well up in his crotch. Why was this happening? All Dan was thinking about was trying to seem asleep and Phil's cock pressed into him. Okay now Dan really didn't know what to do. 

He slowly began extracting himself from the older boy, trying not to wake him. Unfortunately, today was not Dan's day which he realized as the minute he began to move, the older boy shifted in his sleep, humming, and pulling Dan closer. Dan's eyes widened, and he froze as Phil's cock got dangerously close to somewhere it was not supposed to be. Dan didn't know what to do. Phil's arms were wrapped so tightly around him, there was no way Dan could get out of this without waking Phil, and his own situation was getting more dire by the minute.

Dan was just thinking that he was in just about the worst situation he could be, when he realized how wrong he was. Hearing the door swing open, Dan looked up in shock and horror, only to lock eyes with Louise, standing in the doorway, mouth agape. He couldn't imagine what she was thinking. Here she thought she was just walking into her friends room, probably to wake them up, and she came in to two near naked boys spooning, one with a very obvious erection. Oh and Dan couldn't forget the massive hickey on his neck. 

"Um... I'm sorry..." She stammered, not sure how to exit this situation gracefully. There really was no clear solution. "I'll just...." She spun on her heels, shutting the door loudly. Just loudly enough to wake Phil. Why? Why must everything go wrong for Dan this morning? Phil woke up slowly, Dan feeling his lashes fluttering against the brunette's hair. About one and a half seconds passed of Phil lightly shifting as he awoke, Dan extremely aware of the effect every shift had on his bottom. After a moment, Phil froze. Dan had immediately decided to resort to his original plan as he felt Phil awaken, and was laying down, eyes shut, doing his best to seem asleep. There was nothing he could do, however, to hide the painful embarrassment between his legs. 

Apparently Phil didn't know what to do either, as after he froze, he just slowly relaxed, resuming his previous position. Though Dan did notice, gratefully so, as Phil adjusted himself slightly to be a bit farther from Dan, no longer pressing his erection into Dan's ass. Dan could feel Phil's heartbeat through his back. Only moments before it had been steady and constant, and now it was hopping all over the place, racing at a million miles an hour, as Dan felt his own must be doing as well. They laid this way for about three awkward minutes, until Dan heard Phil's meek, but resigned question.

"You're awake too, aren't you?" he asked. Should Dan respond? If he didn't would Phil believe him? Oh well... they were going to have to do something sooner or later. And all this skin touching was not helping Dan calm his nether regions. 

"....yeah..." Dan said after a few beats. The two immediately extracted themselves, and Dan turned to face Phil, immediately realizing what a bad idea that had been as he saw Phil's eyes immediately be dragged down away from Dan's face. Dan buried his face in his hands, and pulled the sheet from the bottom of the bed over the two of them. There. Things was much more manageable now that they were no longer touching, and all they could see of each other was from the shoulders up. They sat there for a few moments, not knowing what to say.

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