Chapter 20

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Two weeks passed, and Dan and Phil were becoming more comfortable with each other. Dan didn't get surprised anymore when Phil would lower his hips down onto Dan's, and he even began to crave for more than just the hands that would finish each other off.

Today Phil was filming a video, and Dan was trying to keep busy, feeling antsy alone in his room. He pulled up his gmail to see if there was anything he needed to respond to, when an idea popped into his head. He opened up a new conversation and began typing.

Mrs. Heartwood

I know it's been a long time since we last spoke. I'm just emailing you now because you have changed my life more than you could ever imagine. I hope that this can stay between us, but do you remember Phil? The boy who you got me to talk to for the project before I dropped out? Well, you introduced me to the love of my life, and I cannot thank you enough. I hope you're doing well, are you still teaching? Phil and I have been talking about visiting town soon, and I'd love to stop by and say thank you in person.

Hope all is going well,


He sent the email and smiled. He began to wonder... what would have happened if he hadn't gotten that assignment? If Louise hadn't bumped into him in the hall? Would he ever have met Phil? Probably not... Dan decided not to dwell on this, because he didn't want to imagine a life without Phil.

Dan began tapping his pen, impatient for Phil to be done filming. He glanced up at the clock in his room and sighed.


He was so lucky to have found Phil.


He really was in love with the boy.


What were they going to do about their viewers?


Their fans were so observant... could they really keep this hidden?


What if one of them messed up on a liveshow again?


Would Dan even mind?


He sort of wanted to run out on the street right now and announce to everyone that he was dating Phil Lester.


He knew he couldn't though.


He wanted Phil to be done.


He wanted Phil.


*Knock knock*

Dan looked up, snapped out of his trance, and saw Phil slowly open the door.


"Hey, you done filming?" Dan asked, and Phil smiled, entering the room fully.

"Yeah. Yeah, I just wrapped up."

"You were pretty quiet." Dan observed, realizing he hadn't really heard Phil talk much.

"Oh... um yeah. I was doing uh... that ASMR video I told you about." Phil stammered, and Dan raised an eyebrow.

"You filmed that three days ago, I thought you were almost done editing it?"

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