Chapter Thirteen

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"Alright Dan, here's a dare!" Phil said, recovering from his laughing fit. They had been filming for about forty five minutes now, and were getting ready to wrap up the video. It had truly been a wild ride of a video, and Dan was sure the viewers would love it. "For this one, we're gonna need a prop!" He stated, shooting up, climbing over the bed, and leaving Dan alone. Dan took this time to compose himself, wiping a stray tear from the corner of his eye that had appeared when he had laughed so hard he found himself choking for air.

Dan loved filming with Phil. They usually had some pretty witty banter, and that was only elevated when they filmed. The chance to share their friendship with the world made Dan feel proud. He felt as if he was getting a chance to flaunt is new friend, showing off the fact that they were so close. Phil returned only moments later, holding a jar of honey and a butter knife. He positioned himself in front of the camera, and took out the slip of paper with Dan's dare.

"Lick honey off of Phil's cheek." he read the dare, and then looked at Dan, a challenging grin crossing his face. Dan wasn't one to back down from a challenge, and when Phil dipped the knife in the honey, spreading it from his cheekbone to his jawline, Dan went right in, licking a straight line up his face, then returning to get the last bits of honey in small quick licks. Phil started giggling at this, pulling back as if he was being tickled, but Dan was determined to complete this dare, and held him down, getting every bit of the sticky sweet substance off his friend's face.

"Well that was a ride!" said Phil, sitting up and looking at the camera, flushed. "If you enjoyed, please give us a thumbs up..."

"Thumb us!" Interjected Dan, and then looked down, his eyebrows dramatically furrowed at what else that wording could imply.

"...and subscribe if you want to see more the next time I upload! If you want to see more of Dan, just let me know in the comments, and let us know if you'd like to see another truth or dare video! Bye!" Phil leaned forward, switching off the camera, then sat back down, wiping his cheek. 

The two boys made their way back onto the bed, and decided to watch Friends. They watched about five episodes, before they both seemed to be feeling sleepy despite the fact that it was still fairly early. Agreeing that they should get rest now, as tomorrow was Tyler's birthday, and who knew what would end up happening that they'd get dragged into, they made their way to the bathroom, Dan using his brand new toothbrush, and then went back to the bed. Phil clicked off his table lamp, and Dan did the same, settling down into the comforting scent of Phil's duvet. As he began settling into his sleep, he couldn't help think of how cold he was, and remembered the last time he had slept here, wrapped around Phil. The thought relaxed Dan, and he calmly drifted off, humming slightly at the warmth the memory brought.

"Boys, boys, BOYS! Today is a BIG day, get up!" Dan awoke suddenly to Tyler's high pitched voice, seeing the green haired boy standing in the doorway. He was dressed in a light blue button up with a black and white polka dot bowtie, and black jeans. Dan fought the urge to complain and ask for just five more minutes, remembering that it was Tyler's birthday. Phil was now sitting upright in the bed next to him, rubbing his eyes. 

"What's the plan, Tyler?" The black haired boy asked groggily.

"It's a surprise! Dress nice!" Tyler shouted back, skipping out of the room. 

"Isn't the birthday boy supposed to be the one getting surprised?" Dan grumbled, and Phil chuckled. 

"Not this birthday boy." The older boy made his way across the room, and soon Dan was catching the clothes being thrown at him. He looked down, and then back up at Phil, questioningly.

"Really?" He asked, holding up the long sleeve white button up, black tie, and black pants. 

"Oh that's not all..." Phil said, and Dan felt a suit jacket land square in his lap. 

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