Chapter Sixteen

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Dan and Phil spent their first night at Phil's house playing Mario Kart in Phil's old room. Dan won by a landslide, and Phil ended up biting the controller so hard he left tooth marks. 

"Alright, I think that might be a sign it's time to stop playing." Dan laughed, turning off the system. Phil pouted for a moment, but then agreed, and the boys brushed their teeth together, and headed back to Phil's room. Phil's family had a guest room, but neither of the boys even mentioned it. They were both used to sleeping in the same bed, and neither of them wanted to separate. 

They climbed into bed and clicked off the light, Dan smiling as he realized Phil had a night light in this room as well. Dan appreciated it, he wasn't a huge fan of the dark. They curled up next to each other, separated by about five inches of bed space. 

"Good night, Dan." Phil mumbled, eyes closed.

"Night, Phil." Dan responded, smiling, and shutting his own eyes. 

The week passed in a blur. Phil showed Dan around his hometown a bit, but for the most part they stayed inside, playing video games and filming videos. They uploaded three videos in just one week, and their fans freaked out, wondering why they were all of a sudden getting so much content out. The truth was, the two of them loved creating videos, and having all this extra time just allowed for them to do more of what they loved. 

On Friday, Dan got an email from Mrs Heartwood. He felt a bit guilty when he clicked on it, realizing he hadn't told her he'd be dropping out of school. His concerns were washed away, however, when he saw what it is that she had to say.

Daniel Howell,

I am writing to say congratulations. I am so proud that you took the risk and decided not to waste your time on something you didn't care about. I could see that you weren't motivated by University from the beginning, and I'm happy that you have taken action to pursue things you're more inspired by. I have been watching you and Phil's videos, and you seem so much happier. I like to think that I may be a small part of how you two ended up friends, and nothing makes me a prouder teacher than that. Feel free to email me any time if you ever need to talk to someone.

All the best,

Mrs. Heartwood

Dan smiled. Mrs. Heartwood was such a kind person. And he and Phil's friendship truly was thanks to her. He clicked the 'reply' button, and typed out,

Mrs. Heartwood,

Thank you so much. I'm sorry I didn't tell you myself that I would be dropping out. I really do owe you a huge thank you, as if it weren't for you I would not have met my best friend. I'll keep what you said in mind, and if I need to talk to someone, you'll be the first I go to. 

Thank you for everything,


Clicking send, Dan laid on his back, exhausted. He checked the time. 6:43. Phil was in the shower, and they had ordered pizza for dinner which should be arriving any minute now. 


Dan looked up to see a small clock on Phil's bedside table.


How hadn't he noticed it all this time? 


Dan was starting to feel antsy as he contemplated what the next six months would hold.


They would return to the duplex, and Phil would go back to school, leaving Dan to....


What? What would he do? 


He had thought a bit recently of starting his own YouTube channel...


The viewers had been begging for it, and he really did enjoy making videos for them...


But what if no one watched? What if they only liked him when he was with Phil?


These thoughts spiraled through Dan's mind, until he heard the doorbell from downstairs. He hopped off the bed, grabbing his wallet. Phil's mum had left him some cash for food throughout the week, but Dan felt a little guilty having her pay for his meals for seven days, so he figured he could cover this one. He didn't have much money, but after dropping out he had been refunded a chunk of cash. Most had gone directly back into his parents' bank account, but the money for his room and board went to him.

Dan paid the pizza guy quickly and headed back upstairs, where Phil was returning to the bedroom after his shower.

"We've got pizza!" He said, and they plopped down on the bed, putting on an episode of Friends, and digging into the pizza. "I don't understand you. You hate cheese, but you love pizza?" Dan asked, laughing at the older boy.

"It's different!" Phil insisted, looking at Dan with those wide blue eyes. Dan chuckled, turning back to the show.

"Sure it is, lion." he teased, and Phil pushed his shoulder playfully. They finished up their pizza and season two of Friends, and Phil looked over at Dan, a glint in his eye.

"So.... I kind of have a surprise for you..." Phil said slowly.

"Oh yeah? Well go on!" Dan replied.

"Well..." Phil grabbed the computer, turning it so Dan couldn't see the screen. He spent a few moments typing, and then pulled something up, turning it so Dan could see. It was... pictures of rooms? Dan looked at Phil, quizzically. Phil saw Dan's confusion, and elaborated. "I put down the lease right before we got on the train. We move in at the start of summer! It's right in downtown London!" Phil exclaimed, looking at Dan excitedly. A smile slowly formed on Dan's face, turning into a full out grin as he tackled Phil onto the bed, hugging his friend. Almost immediately, he shot back to the computer, looking through the pictures of the flat. Their flat.

"Oh my god, Phil!" Dan exclaimed. The flat was gorgeous! His mind was going everywhere all at once, but then it settled on one very important piece of information. "I'm going to start my own channel." he announced. "When we get back and you go back for the end of school, I'm starting my own channel. I really want to, and I need some way to help pay for the flat." Phil looked up at Dan, his grin somehow becoming even larger.

"Really?" He asked, hesitant to allow himself to feel too excited until he knew for sure.

"Yes really, you spork!" Dan replied. 

"Well, this calls for a toast!" Phil said, heading downstairs, and returning with a bottle of wine. They ended up drinking the whole bottle that night, and fell asleep curled up together, the five inches of bed space from the nights before entirely lost to the world. 

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