Chapter Six

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Phil returned from the kitchen with Tylenol, and waffles loaded up with syrup and butter, and Dan and him savored the sticky and fluffy treats, making their way through four episodes of the Great British Bake Off before they realized it was well into the day. The episodes were an hour long a piece, and when Dan glanced at the time, it was already past 1:00 PM. How had time passed so quickly?

Phil didn't seem bothered by the time of day, however, laughing and shrugging. He zigzagged his way through the equipment on the floor towards his window, and pulled back the thick black curtain to let the light in. Dan's eyes adjusted quickly, and the light didn't hurt. The Tylenol had done its job. He felt so comfortable, and part of him hoped that Phil wasn't about to kick him out.

"Well... I don't know about you, but I'm really curious what Martha is going to bake next...." Phil said after a pause, a sly grin crossing his face. Dan's own smile took over his face as he agreed.

"Yeah, I mean I don't think I can concentrate on anything else until I see what happens next." Phil wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. His gaze was locked somewhere below Dan's eyes and a bit to the side, the black haired boy's mouth hanging open, almost indignantly. After a few moments with no explanation from Phil, Dan asked, "You okay there?"

"You never told me you have dimples!" Phil half-asked, half-accused. To be honest, Dan generally forgot he had dimples. He rarely smiled wide enough for anyone to notice them, and he was actually a bit surprised that he had shown them to Phil. 

"Oh... yeah." Dan didn't really know how to respond to that.

"Curly hair AND dimples? What other secrets are you keeping from me, Dan?" Phil elbowed him, laughing a bit, but then turned thoughtful. "Actually, come to think of it, I don't know much about you. Are you at University?"

"Yeah, I'm majoring in Law." Phil nodded, eyebrows furrowing together, a bit puzzled, but nonjudgemental. "It's alright... I don't know. I'm kind of failing everything. I actually have a big project I was just assigned that could turn around my grade in one of my classes, but it involves socializing, so god knows I'm going to fail this one too." Phil raised an eyebrow at him, creating an expression that said, 'really?'. "What?" Dan protested his look.

"I mean... I don't think I've ever had an easier time being around someone I just met. I mean yeah I have some friends, and I'm close with my flatmates, but all of that took time. I've never met someone and felt fine inviting them to stay in my room and wear my clothes, and spend an entire day together before. I guess I just figured this is normal to you." At this, Dan burst into full out laughter, showing off his dimples fully now.

"Are you kidding me? I don't think I ever even had a sleepover when I was younger! I've spent more time with you in the past day than I have with anyone all semester!" 

"Oh..." was all Phil said to that, turning back to his, now cold, waffles for a moment. "So what's this big project?" 

Dan chuckled a bit at the hopelessness of the task before him. "I have to find a 'mentor'. Someone different from me, and kind of follow their life. Get involved in trying out their hobbies and what they do day to day, and analyzing the differences in how our brains work. It's for Psychology. I have to keep a log of it, and turn it in to her at the end of Winter Break." Phil nodded, moving a piece of his waffle around his plate, creating swirls in the syrup. 

"I mean... you could always do me." He suggested a bit shyly, looking up to Dan to make sure he hadn't said anything wrong. His face fell when Dan laughed right in his face, but soon realized it wasn't because of the idea of Phil being Dan's mentor.

"Oh, I could, could I?" Dan raised an eyebrow, laughing at Phil's word choice. Phil realized his mistake, and laughed along with Dan, elbowing him.

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