Chapter Seven

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Phil inhaled the sweet scent of the outdoors. He honestly didn't spend much time out of the house, and it made the fresh air that much more enjoyable. Today was a good day, and he was in a good mood. He was making his way down the sidewalk, doing the strange half walk, half skip that he always did when he was feeling particularly energetic or happy. After a moment, he realized he was moving along at quite a clip, and glanced next to him, only to realize that his friend had fallen behind him a bit, so he turned, now walking backwards while he talked to his friend.

"Alright, Dan, if you can't keep up then you're just going to have to be my eyes!" Phil said, sprawling out his arms and legs, and teetering side to side like a drunken starfish while walking backwards. Dan shook his head, smiling.

"If I'm your eyes, Phil, we're both gonna die. Turn around." Dan shuffled his feet a bit faster, catching up with Phil. "So where's this restaurant?"

"Not far, just about three blocks away. Someone from my house goes there probably at least every other day. We really need to just start shopping for ingredients and cooking... but this is just so easy!" Phil beamed. 

For probably the fifteenth time today, he shoved down the little voice in the back of his head that asked him why he was so comfortable around this boy. Yes, Phil was a generally nice person and got along with people more often than not, but it was usually more in the 'we're in the same space so I feel obliged to have some general polite conversation and then excuse myself after a bit and most likely never speak to you again' way, than how he felt about the boy walking next to him. 

He had only just met this boy, and yet he had essentially just signed over the next month of his life to him. Dan's project sounded like it was going to be fairly intensive, and not only would he be sharing his time during school, he had offered to give up his break. The thought of that out of context immediately made Phil regret everything, mentally hitting himself for making such a stupid decision, but the minute he remembered that it was Dan who he had agreed to spend this time with, all those regrets evaporated. He didn't know why, but not a bone in his body minded the idea of spending all his free time with this boy. In fact, he was genuinely looking forward to it. 

Turning a corner, they found themselves no longer walking through a neighborhood. The buildings changed, and now they were on a commercial street. It was a nice cozy part of town, not too developed, but there were some shops and a few restaurants and boutiques. Phil led Dan down the street and stopped at the corner. 

"We're here!" Phil said proudly, as if to show off to Dan how close he lived to such a wonderful establishment. 

Dan laughed, looking at the little rinky-dink run down looking Chinese restaurant. "I assume it's supposed to be "The Lucky Dragon"? Dan asked, pointing at the sign. About three months ago, the L had fallen off of the sign and they hadn't bothered to replace it yet, so currently the restaurant's name read as "The   ucky Dragon" 

"Yeah it's a bit of a worse title right now... but hey! It adds character!" Phil reached forward, opening the door and hearing the bells ring to alert the staff to new customers. Dan walked through the door after an awkward shuffle of him not being aware the door was being held for him, but eventually they both made their ways into the restaurant, blushing a bit as the woman stood there to greet them chuckled at them. She lead them to a window seat, and they ordered off of the ripped plastic menus. Something about this place just felt cozy, and Phil loved it. 

"Wow... so I assume that's where all the trust fund students go for their outings?" Dan asked, indicating the restaurant across the street from them. Phil sighed wistfully. He had many times glanced in the windows of that restaurant, admiring the beautiful golden and white room, the romantic lighting with the candles on the tables, and all the couples clearly in love wearing suits and dresses. 

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