Scene 57 The Return

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Brigid wakes on a mattress in the farmhouse living room in front of the crackling pot-belly stove. 

DEIRDRE: Bridge? Bridge! Oh thank god! 

Brigid is gathered into Deirdre's arms. 

Looking over Deirdre's shoulder, Brigid GASPS. Hamish is sitting on another mattress, still woozy, being squeezed in John's strong arms- they both have glistening, double-images. 

BRIGID: Are we back? 

Brigid gently pushes her Aunt away. Deirdre, too sparkles. She examines her own shimmering body. Deirdre embraces her again. 

DEIRDRE: Yes, my beauty. You're back. Here, I found this. I've been looking after it for you. 

Deirdre holds out the silver pendant. Brigid takes the pendant but is distracted, looking around desperately. 

BRIGID: Thank you, but... 

HAMISH: What's wrong? 

BRIGID: Can't you see them? 

HAMISH: See what? 

BRIGID: Shadows - I can still see our Shadows... Lachie? Where's Lachie? 

Lachlan is lying on a mattress behind her, still unconscious. Brigid scrambles over to him and begins shaking him. 

BRIGID: Lachie? Lachie! Come on! 

JOHN: Hey, gently there. 

Hamish joins her kneeling at Lachlan's side. 

HAMISH: He was gone for longer.. maybe he- 

Brigid gasps. 

BRIGID: We didn't tell him what to do! 

Lachlan coughs and Brigid looks down to see his young body sparkling with Shadow-light as he wakes. 

BRIGID: Lachie? 

LACHLAN: What is going on! You were an eagle and there was a huge, HUGE man with antlers and- 

BRIGID: It's okay. We're alright. We're home now. 

Deirdre and John stare at them. 

DEIRDRE: What did you say, Lachie? 

Brigid grins up at her aunt and uncle. 

BRIGID: We were in the Shadow Realm! The Shadowkee- 

Brigid stops short as Julia enters. 

Julia smiles to see the children awake but her eyes remain sad and exhausted. Tears come to Brigid's eyes: Julia has no Shadow.

JULIA: You're awake! Oh thank god!

Julia falls to her knees beside the children and wraps her arms around Lachlan and then Brigid. 

BRIGID: Mom, it's okay. We're back. We're going to be fine. 

JULIA: Of course you are. Of course- 

Brigid pulls away and gazes into her mother's eyes. 

BRIGID: No, you don't understand. We're all going to be fine, but you have to come back to us. 

Julia and Lachlan frown, confused. 

JULIA: What? 

BRIGID: You're... not with us. You haven't been with us since Daddy died. 

Julia's eyes fill quickly. 

LACHLAN: Bridge, not now- 

BRIGID: It has to be now. Mom, I'm sorry I've been so... so whiney and selfish... 

Brigid's eyes fill as Julia struggles to keep tears at bay. 

Lachlan sits back and watches quietly. 

JULIA: Oh Bridgie, that's not your - 

A shimmer in Julia's wet eyes gives Brigid courage. 

BRIGID: And I'm sorry I complained so much about coming here... 

Tears begin to roll down Julia's cheeks, leaving a trail of tiny sparkles. 

JULIA: You're allowed to complain, it's a big move- 

BRIGID: And I'm really, really sorry that I didn't notice how sad you've been. 

Julia dissolves into tears and clutches Brigid close. Brigid cries with relief as she sees her mother's body flood with radiant Shadow-light. 

JULIA: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Everything's going to be fine. I'm going to be fine. You'll see. 

Julia and Brigid gather Lachlan into their embrace, laughing and crying together. 

John pulls Hamish and Deirdre to him and kisses their heads. 

The Wainwright hug breaks up and Brigid swoons, falling back heavily onto the pillows. 

JULIA: Bridge! 

HAMISH: She needs water from the Green Chapel. 

Julia helps her daughter to sit up against her. 

DEIRDRE: In the jug. There's not much left though. 

Hamish goes to the jug on the coffee table and empties the last of the water into a glass. 

HAMISH: She'll need more. 

JOHN: I'll go. 

BRIGID: Uncle John? 

Brigid holds the pendant out. 

BRIGID: Leave this as the gift. 

JULIA: Bridgie, no. It means too much to you. 

BRIGID: That's kind of the point. 

JOHN: You're sure? 

BRIGID: Please. It's important. 

John takes the pendant and leaves carrying the jug. 

Hamish hands Brigid the glass of water. She holds it to her lips and stops. A HUNTING HORN sounds, distant but clear. 

Brigid blinks: she can no longer see the Shadows around her but, as she takes a sip of the spring water, she smiles to see it sparkling faintly. 



** Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading The Shadowkeeper, I hope you enjoyed it. If you would like to see it produced I'd be so grateful if you'd comment so that any production companies I approach could read them :) It's a long shot but you never know!

Love, kindness and strength to you,


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