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Okay, after a loooonnnnngggggggg bout with writers block, I'm finally back with a chapter! Thanks for all of your patience, support, and comments I really appreciate it all.


Rayne's POV

Another week in New York, running behind the kids." I'll be glad when this is over" I mumble to myself.

I sat Mikey's breakfast plate in front of him as he climbed to the top of the chair to eat. "Thanks mommy" he says. I'm so proud of how well he speaks just shy of his 3rd birthday.

"You're welcome baby." I smile, setting Camille's plate down as well. My daughter was never a morning person so of course her seat was empty and Michael was already gone for an early morning meeting, so I didn't even bother making him a plate.

Camille staggered from her room to the table, her fluffy hair all over her head. "Good Morning." She mumbles, her eyes barely open.

"Good morning." I chuckle, "you know you've gotta start getting used to waking up, especially when we get you back in school."

"I want school mommy!" Mikey blurts, raising his sausage in his hand.

"A couple more years and you'll be right in school with your sister." I grin, I was happy to see he was more excited about school than his sister was at that age.

"30th anniversary is finalized." Michael says opening the room door with a grin.

"Huh?" I respond, he hands me a small packet of papers with his signature lined throughout. "What's this?"

"The contract for my tribute show David Guest wants to produce. The fellas came to town this morning to sign their contracts." Michael says, pecking Camille on the top of her head as she ate.

"Oh ok. That's great Mike." I say unenthused. I sit the packet to the side, grabbing my plate to set in the kitchen sink.

He stands at the foot of the table, his eyes furrowed and his arms crossed. "What?" He says.

I shake my head, my eyes fixed on the sink.

"Babe." He followed me, his stance still the same as before.

I sigh, "I just wanna know what this means for the kids. Are we living in New York for the next year? What about their schooling?" I say in a hushed tone.

"The kids will be fine, they can always be homeschooled." He shrugs.

"I thought you wanted them to live a normal life. As normal as possible."

"I do, but that's going to be hard with me having to work all the time. Besides, Mikey isn't even in school yet." He says.

"No, but Camille is.. and she has friends and a budding social life. She's almost 9 years old most of her friends have been her friends since she started school. I don't wanna separate her from that." I explain.

"I don't either, But things happen, Ray. I don't know what else to tell you." He shrugs.

I knew he wasn't all to happy about taking Camille out of school and having her homeschooled while we were here in New York, but I didn't want to guilt him anymore than he already felt. I simply sucked my teeth and went back to the dishes. "She's not gonna be happy to hear this." I mutter.

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