Chapter Eight

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Namjoons POV

I went to my room and sat on my bed. "Why is she acting like a bitch?" I looked at the door and was thinking of a way to help Jimin. How can I help him now? My mom is probably to in love with the man's money to care how he acts. Damn it. Why did this have to happen?

"Namjoon sweetheart." My mom came into the room and looked at me. "Do not act like that again."

"Act like what? I'm trying to help you mom. You're just to into his money you don't care what's coming out his mouth." She placed a hand on my shoulder and shrugged. "What's with that look?"

"Jimin is a hybrid dear. Hybrids are only used for slaves or for sex objects. Don't get attach to him son. Now you're not grounded but you will stay away from Jimin. Do I make myself clear Namjoon." I nodded and my mom left. "Me and your 'father' will be going out to eat. You may order pizza for yourself."

"What about Jimin he needs to eat to." My mom sighed and looked at me. "He's a being to you know."

"He's not human. So give him dog food." Then she walked out. I sat there until I heard the front door open and close. Leaving my room I went over to Jimin's door. I could hear him crying from the other side.

"Jimin? What did he do to you?" I placed my hand on the knob and opened the door. He was curled up in a ball on his bed. "I'm going to be ordering some pizza. What do you like on yours?" He didn't answer so I moved closer to him. "Jimin?" He sat up and looked at me. "What did he do?" My tone went pissed. He had bruises on his shoulders and a cut on his lip. "Jimin." I gently placed my fingers under his chin and made him look at me.

"H-he did the usual. He hit me for disobeying him." Jimin said, "Because I told your mom I was his son." I hugged Jimin and he hugged me back. "Namjoon give up on helping me."

"I will not! I will help you no matter what."

"Your mom doesn't care. I heard what she said. She said I'm not human, that I should eat dog food." He cried and I pulled him closer but gently.

"I know you're human, even if you're not full human you're still a person." I told him and he nodded. "Now tell me what kind of pizza you like?" He shrugged. "What?"

"I never had pizza before. My dad wouldn't let me have a slice. He would give me his leftovers. Sometimes there wouldn't be any." My jaw dropped and I pulled him up and dragged him to the kitchen. "I'm not allowed in here without dad being home."

"Well I'm here and I'm ordering some pizza for the both of us." He nodded and sat at the table. I ordered the pizza and sat with him. "While we wait tell me other things your dad does."

"He's bipolar but not in a good way. And he's Bisexual apparently too."


"When he's bored or drunk he tells me to sit on his lap and he would place his hands on my thighs and touch me."

"Can you show me?" He looked at me and blushed.


Sorry for taking so long in updating.
Hoped you enjoyed

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