Chapter Thirteen

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Jimin's POV

Namjoon leaves today, and as always I can't leave my room. I sit on my bed and stare at the door. I was hoping he would come up to my room and say goodbye to me but he didn't. My dad forbid him to do so. I looked in the mirror and smiled when I saw the necklace he gave me. "I love him." I placed my hand around the necklace and smiled to myself.

"What about Jimin?" My ears twitched at the high pitched voice coming up the stairs. "We can't leave him here can we?" My eyes flashed white at the lower voice.

"He'll be fine, it's not like he's going to die here by himself." There was a knock on my door and I stared at the door. "Hey. Me and My wife will be going on a vacation. Don't do anything you're not allowed to." He said on the other side of the door. So there leaving to, for how long? "We'll be back next month." A month by myself, yes I waited for this. I heard footsteps leave the door and going back downstairs.

"Huh- Guess I can do whatever." I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "Wonder how long Namjoon will be gone?" I heard the front door open and close. I sat up and went to my door and opened it. Mrs. Kim was standing there with a smile on her face. "Do you need something?" She looked at the necklace around my neck and sighed.

"That's wrong you know. Liking your brother, being what you are around him. It's wrong he could hit hurt in many ways." She said and walked away down the stairs. My eyes flashed white and I closed my door. I felt something warm go down my cheeks. Tears. She's right. This is wrong. Why would I love my brother?

Once the front door opened and closed the next morning I got up and went into the kitchen. "A month by myself, what to do? It's a Saturday so I don't have school today or tomorrow." I thought and thought until I just got bored and went in the living room. Sitting on the couch I reached for the remote and turned the Tv on. The news popped up.

'There has been a case of murders in the downtown area of this city.'
'Please stay in doors past 8pm, we want everyone to be safe.,

That's where we live. So there's someone murdering people huh? Well he or she will not get into this house. I looked at the time and it was only 2pm. What should I do to pass time? I got up and went into my dads room and looked around making sure not to mess anything up. I looked under his bed and closet everywhere. What was I looking for? I don't know, just something I guess.

'We also have news that the person we're looking for is on the hunt for a hybrid.'
'If any hybrids live near you please tell them to be safe.'

My ear popped out and twitched, there was a knock at the door and I went and grabbed a knife, hiding my ears and tail then going to the door. I looked out the peephole, sighed and opened the door.

"Why are you here?" I asked and smiled sadly a little.

"I heard that Namjoon left yesterday." He said and stepped closer.

"Yeah and?" I closed the door a little so he wouldn't come in. He smiled at me and placed a hand on the door.

"I also saw your parents leave." He said and his smile was creepy. He pushed opened the door and slammed it shut. "Now we can hang out. Just the two of us." He walked closer to me.

"Stay away you're creeping me out." His eye twitched and he pinned me to the wall. "Stop. Let me go."

"Not until I get what I want."

"Taehyung please."

Oooo~ Shocker. But is Taehyung the murderer? Question?
I feel like I should stop putting 'Hoped you Enjoyed.' But I won't 😏
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