Chapter Twenty(End)

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One year

"Jimin shut your kids up now!" Yoongi yelled and it made the kids cry louder. "Jimin!"

"Stop shouting you're scaring them." Jimin said in a calm voice. "Shh, it's ok Taemin, everything's ok Minjoon." Yep that's right he has twins. "Yoongi doesn't mean to yell at you. Shh." The two kids calmed down and laid on their Appa and fell asleep.

"Finally some peace and quiet." Yoongi groaned falling asleep on the couch. Jin rolled is eyes and smiled at Jimin and the two kids.

"I've been meaning to ask you about their names?" Jin asked and Jimin looked at Jin. "Why Minjoon and Taemin?" Jimin smiled but frowned at Taemin.

"Taemin is Taehyungs. Minjoon is Namjoon's." He said and Jin looked at Jimin shocked. "I'm not quite sure how two explain it but they're both my kids but one is Taehyungs and the other is Namjoon's." Jin nodded and sat on the couch. "Oh and I'm playing on moving out your house and live with my kids alone. Until Namjoon comes back."

"Where are you going to go?" Jin asked and Jimin shrugged. "Jimin, I can help you get a house somewhere in Busan if you want. You could go to your home town and live there." Jimin nodded and he stood up with both his kids in his hands.

"Thanks hyung."

Three months later

Taemin was sitting on the floor in front of the tv holding his teddy bear while watching Blues Clues on Netflix. (Was my favorite show when I was little.) Minjoon was on the couch legs crossed and watching the tv as well. Jimin was in the kitchen making some snacks for him and the kids. He walked out to set the crackers and jam on the table in front of the couch. "Taemin come eat some snacks." Taemin didn't turn around he was watching the show with his thumb in his mouth.

Jimin went over and picked him up and sat on the couch. Taemin started to cry but Jimin kissed the top of his head and headed him a cracker. "Here Taemin it's a soft cracker." Taemin grabbed the cracker and got off Jimin's lap and went back on the floor. "Minjoon do you like the cracker?" Minjoon nodded and smiled at Jimin.

The three of them were living in Busan now, having a break from the huge city. Jimin laid back on the couch and thought when Namjoon will come back. He didn't notice he fell asleep until he was hit in the head by something. It wasn't hard so he guessed Taemin threw his bear at him. Jimin sat up and looked, minjoon was on the floor with Taemin wrestling with each other. "Hey hey hey. That's enough Minjoon get off Taemin."

Taemin started to cry so Jimin picked up his teddy bear and gave it to him. "Shh it's ok, my kiss with help you." He kissed the top of Taemins head and Taemin stopped crying. "See, all better." Jimin smiled at the two. "Taemin, Minjoon, who am I?"

They both said it at the same time.



That's the end.
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