Chapter 2: - Do you have any tea?

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Here's chapter 2 of the story. I'm still new at this, so in the future, please don't hesitate to correct me if you do find something, I'll be glad to listen to whatever you have to say! Well anyways, on to the next chapter!


Chapter 2 :- Do you have any tea?

Porlyusica dragged Raizel and seated him in a cot, and proceeded to get a cloth and some alcohol. She soaked the cloth in some water, and gently cleaned all of his wounds and then rubbed alcohol over them, performing the necessary first aid. Once she was done cleaning the blood off of his face, she gasped again.

"Oh my! Aren't you a handsome one!! Makes me wish I was young again!!" she remarked dreamily, her hands on her blushing cheeks. A moment later, she also realized that along with the blood, his claw marks also disappeared. "Huh, where did all those marks go? That's're healed already?! That's an amazing ability you have there, especially considering how you don't have magic.....even the wounds were out of the ordinary, having such strange energy, I was sure I would have to dispel that energy to heal you, since it was impeding your healing process.....curious" Raizel said nothing and only continued to watch her treat him with a straight face. "I'm going to have to remove your shirt for a second" she mentioned and then, she unbuttoned his shirt to treat the wounds in his chest and after she was done cleaning him completely, what she saw, she'll remember for the rest of her life. His torso lay bare for her eyes to see, and as if by reflex, blood spurted out of her nose. "Oh dear me~~~, what have I done~~~~!!!" she said dreamily like a teenager, looking away and with her hand on her forehead and an awkward smile pasted on her face. Yet again, Raizel simply cocked his head with a slightly confused look, not understanding what was happening to the old mage.


Meanwhile, on the outside

The guild members of FT were waiting anxiously to hear news about the strange man from Porlyusica. Apart from his condition, they also had a lot of question they wanted answered about who he was, where he came from and how he got there in such a bad condition. Nobody said a word, being lost in their own thoughts. Natsu finally broke the silence.

"So gramps, what do you think about him? You said something about some strange energy right? Even Porlyusica-san didn't explain anything clearly" he asked.

"Hrmm....I really can't say anything for sure, what I did notice in the short time I observed him was that he did not possess any magical energy himself, like Porlyusica herself mentioned. Apart from that, his wounds emitted a strange energy, one that I've never felt before. I guess we'll simply have to wait for Porlyusica to tell us something" said Makarov. The guild went silent again. The minutes painfully ticked by, until finally when Porlyusica came out of the door. Instantaneously, as if by reflex, every turned to her with questioning looks. She seemed a bit different than when she went in, but no one could tell what was different about her. Strangely enough, she too, remained silent.

"So? What gives? What happened to him?" prodded the ice mage.

"He'll be fine, surprisingly, as soon as I just gave him basic first aid, all of his wounds disappeared, as if they were never there. Not even a scar....his regenerative ability is amazing to say the least. But still, that seems to be about it, he probably just got lucky enough to survive against whatever attacked him and his ability must have given him some time. I doubt he's a seasoned fighter, since he doesn't have any magic. He's still very fatigued, so he'll need more rest before he can move about. Just make sure he doesn't leave bed for a few more days, his condition is still very severe, I don't know what did this to him, so I can't treat him completely. I've given him a potion that'll help him restore his strength, so it should be fine." She explained, but before leaving, the old mage gave a final glance at him, quickly turned her head and without looking at anyone, strode out of the guild quickly.

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