Chapter 20: - Slayer of the skies

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First off, apologies for the super long break! Had a LOT of stuff like exams and assignments as such. I can't guarantee that I can bring out updates weekly, but I shall try my best.

Chapter 20: - Slayer of the skies

"Alright" said Erza to herself, taking a deep breath. "From here, I can make out roughly 300 lachrima inventory permits me to hold about 200 swords at once....damn! In the time we have, how can I destroy them all....?"

"..Ever....Everyone...! Can you hear me?" echoed a voice throughout the minds of all the mages present in the entire town. Erza shifted her head towards the direction the voice.

"Warren?" she called out. Likewise, Tesamu's, Mira's, Cana's and a few other's were the only responses that echoed throughout the town.

"I could hear about a dozen that really all we have..?" he asked uncertainly. "No matter, this is of grave matter! From what I can make out, we have maybe about 2 minutes before those floating orbs of destruction set off! With just a dozen of us, we can at best take out twice as many of them....damn!!!"

"Worry not! I am more that capable of taking down atleast 200 of them!!" declared the red haired warrior.

"Unnecessary. Didn't I say this before? If it ever came down to that, I'll be more than happy to lend a helping hand here. I can take them out. Plus, thanks to my enhancements, I can heal my injuries, unlike you guys. You should just leave it to me" insisted Tesamu. Mira looked at him with worry.

"..B..but..." began Erza.

"...Guys hurry!!! We just have a minute left!!" urged Levy.

"...Damn, enough of this!!!" said Erza, and quickly summoned 60 swords, ex-quipped her Lightning Emperor Armor and flung all her swords towards the sky. About half a dozen of them missed their mark, and the rest went straight through the lachrima, shattering them. She had a half satisfied smile, disappointed that she missed some of them and satisfied for the rest. Her partial victory was short lived. Her body seized up, and powerful torrents of stored lightning magic were discharged throughout her entire body. She felt as if every muscle in the fiber of her being were being stretched all at once, freezing or locking them in place. She fell on all her fours, clutching herself and twitching. If not for her instinctively raising her magic defense, this would've never ended with just falling unconscious.

"ERZA!!!!!" roared Tesamu through the mental connection.

"Tch.....didnt...think it would be this bad....and only from 52 of them......curses.....and to think I thought I could handle 200 of these pathetic......!!" And with that, she let the slowly creeping blackness take over her into unconsciousness.

"I can't let her be the only one to take them on" stated Cana desperately. She fished out her trusty pack of magical cards, and flung 3 of them, glowing in magenta, blue and yellow at the crystals. The cards went clean through, causing them to explode a second later. The same fate befell her that befell Erza, albeit the effects were only a fraction as strong. This was enough however to knock her out, although one or two more of the crystals would've meant certain death. Mira wouldn't have it either, and she lowered Elfman to the ground momentarily, and sent about 60 dark beams of black purple-black energy at the sky. All of them hit their mark, and Mira immediately raised her magical defense to its absolute limit. When the impact came, she screamed out in pain and collapsed. Tesamu rushed to her, and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that she had just be knocked out. He scowled heavily, set down Freed who had been silent for quite a while, not to mention shocked. IN the distance, Levy managed to snag 2 by herself, Lucy about 10, a number she couldn't have managed without Loki and Belmont.

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