Chapter 18: - Still more fighting

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Since I'm in the flow, thought I'd keep it going as long as it's there. Here's another chapter for you guys! Enjoy!

Oh and I should mention one thing that you might have a question about. How was Vampire Killer, a magic canceller and one that even Virgo thought was powerful unable to undo the petrification spells on everyone. I suppose there are 2 reasons. Like mentioned, Vampire Killer needs to be used by the clan members to be used with its full power. Otherwise, the power hidden in the whip can't be drawn, although it can be sensed by those in the spirit realm, like Virgo. The 2nd reason is that it works best on beings like the undead, spirits and stuff more than the living. This is also why Virgo can sense its enormous power. Hope that clears it up!

Chapter 18: - Still more fighting


The enigmatic lord was pacing about the throne room, not because he was lost in thought, but simply to pass the time. The interruption of his routine was a pleasant one. Raskreia came walking towards him with a serious look, but the Lord only looked at her with welcoming eyes.

"Raskreia, this is a pleasant surprise! Missing your dear father perhaps?" he asked jokingly, and yet with a sense of happiness.

"Father....there is some urgent matter that I must speak with you with" she replied.

"I see....something pressing enough for you to leave Earthland by yourself?"

"Yes...this is a very grave matter"

"Then we should call in the gang..I mean the family leaders of course" he chuckled. But Raskreia sharply interrupted him.

"No, we can't father.....I mean, I request to speak with you alone" replied the black haired beauty, with insisting looks.

"It's fine, you don't need to be that formal with your own father..." he answered, "But why not the family leaders? Surely they must be informed if anything serious happens"

"Because the nature of this issue is such that it involves the clan leaders. Hence we cannot call them in here, not yet atleast" she answered. The lord was silent for a while.

"I see.....I can already tell what this could be about...go on then. There are no others here in the throne room" he said, more serious in tone. He helped himself to the throne, taking a comfortable sitting stance.

"Very well. Recently, we happened to encounter someone from this world...someone neither human nor werewolf or noble. Frankenstein's disciple to be exact" she said. The Lord raised his eyes.

"Really now? Now this is news! I imagine that blond peacock must've been in for quite a shock....although now that I think about it, wasn't his disciple supposed to be dead? Didn't that locket which Urokai used to provoke Frankenstein in that battle belong to him?" he asked. "What's he doing all the way in Earthland then? Was it Frankenstein?"

"Yes it was the very same disciple. However, when Frankenstein met him, he had no recollection of who he was. He was under mind control. Frankenstein managed to bring him back to his own self, and learnt of a lot of things. Firstly, it seemed that Tesamu was being experimented on by the group called Union, who experimented with Werewolf and Noble powers, along with the magic of their world. Tesamu was capable of using werewolf like abilities and also magic through the use of lacrima. It's unsure how long this has been going on. But Tesamu clearly remembers that there were a couple of Noble family leaders who were part of the Union". She then continued to go on into the full details of what they had uncovered, and their current plan for the same. This genuinely shook the Lord, but it also made him understand everything that Frankenstein had previously warned the Lord about.

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