Chapter 27: Guilds, assemble!

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Chapter 27: Guilds, assemble!

"Eara" said the woman, and nothing more.

"Eara..." repeated Gray, still slightly in shock. There was a confused and awkward silence in the room. The enigmatic female looked at them with an odd expression.

" something the matter?" asked Wendy uncertainly.

"No....its nothing" replied Gray. They had a job to do, and this could always wait. Besides, if this girl really had something to do with Erza or Mira, he'd rather not ask her in front of the others.

"But.." started Natsu.

"Not now. We can talk about this later" said Elfman, mirroring Gray's thoughts. If this woman was somehow connected to his sister, he'd rather not do so in front of these people either.

"Sigh....alright" agreed the flame mage.

"Now that that's been settled, we can finally begin our plan" said Jura. He may not know these delegates from Fairy Tail, but he DID know about what befell the two greatest warriors of Fairy Tail. It would be out of place for him to get involved with their personal matters.

"Whoa hold on a minute! An offensive endeavor of this scale and they send just 2 people? Not to mention one of them looks like she should barely be out fighting an evil guild!" questioned Sherry disappointed.

"They aren't alone" came another feminine voice from behind Wendy, which amusingly belonged to a talking cat. This one however, unlike Natsu's own feline companion was of the feminine persuasion.

"A cat!" noted the trimens, stating the plain obvious. Happy the cat's heart skipped a few beats. A cold shoulder was all he got in return though.

"Ne ne, Lucy, could you give her a fish for me?" asked the blue feline.

"You know, that's not how it really works" replied the celestial mage, deadpanned.

"Um....I...I can't really fight but...I know lots of support magic so I should be useful to you all....and besides....Eara-san here is really, really strong, I'm sure she would make up for our absence of numbers..."said Wendy timidly. "So please don't leave me out completely..."

"You really need to learn to assert yourself better you know that? It's what makes people look down on you otherwise!" chided the female cat.

"Our apologies...we were surprised initially, but nee-san always said not to judge a book by its cover. We look forward to working with you" replied Elfman.

"Woow! It's really Fairy Tail! They really are back!" said Wendy, excited.

"Hmph, what a rowdy bunch" said Carla dryly. Happy the cat, excited tried to put on the moves in front of her, only to fail again. This time, Lucy insisted that the cat give up his advances for a while.

"She's gonna grow up to be a real beauty" said a hearty eyed Ren.

"Forget that, I think the star of our show would be that one" said Eve, eyeing Eara. The latter however, seemed to be paying no attention to the entire group whatsoever. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts.

"Please madam, this way...." Started Hibiki, guiding Eara by the shoulder. She went along, but mostly because she didn't really seem to care and that it was too bothersome to tell him off. She was seated down along with Wendy, who was already treated to a comfy sofa paired with a glass of juice. Wendy squirmed uncomfortably amidst the company of the trimens who shamelessly flirted with her too, despite her young age. Words like 'lolicons' and 'pedos' were thrown around. Carla however, was openly protesting their company but the trimens did nothing to stop. Eara on the other hand was eyeing the glass of juice in front of her curiously, as if it was her first time seeing something like that.

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