Chapter 23: - Fall

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Chapter 23: - Fall


She couldn't believe how scared she felt. Mirajane Strauss, who was an S class mage and one of the strongest mages in Fiore. There was no rational thought or logic behind it, nay. It was like an instinct. She could tell that Erza's battle senses told her the same. Why did these people make her feel this way?

"Who are you?!" demanded Erza, hiding her unease. The three continued walking towards them, not saying a word. The red haired one's lips spread out in a wide grin.

"Stop!" she repeated. "State your names and your purpose! Depending on what you say, we might.." Before she could finish, the red haired one started laughing slowly. Color shot up Erza's face, her hands clenching her swords tighter.

"Something funny?" she demanded again, this time more defiantly.

"Hehehe.....Hahahahaha....." continued the red haired one, "A puny human dares ask ME who I am? Pathetic as always, wherever they go.....LEARN YOUR PLACE!" he roared, glaring at them with his single eye. Erza and Mira immediately felt their bodies go slightly numb, as if something was constricting them.

"That's it!" screamed Erza, launching one of her numerous swords of her Heaven's Wheel armor towards the red haired noble. He simply swatted it away like he would a fly. The other two said naught, and simply continued to observe the exchange.

" about this then!" challenged the red haired beauty, preparing around 50 more of her floating swords.

"No, Erza wait!" called out Mira. Erza's swords froze just short.

"They're not people to be underestimated. Surely you know that. Not to mention, we're outmatched 3 to 2. If I guess right, just that guy is probably as strong as Frankenstein. We....can't beat them...." she said dejectedly. "Our best to retreat and come back with some backup..."

"Did you just say....that I'm as good as Frankenstein..?" spat out Urokai, poison in his words. "


The white haired beauty felt a light wind past her, and in the next instant, stood the mysterious hooded red haired person.


She felt a sharp pain in her gut, and she felt the wind get knocked out of her entire being. Even though she'd managed to block the hit with her hands that she'd transformed into their Satan Soul form, she still got a good hit to her gut, and flew straight to the rocks behind her.


"Calm down, Urokai" said the other man in a calm, gruff voice. "Seeing you act like that without any class pains me. Perhaps I should handle this after all. You might kill them by accident"

"SHUT UP! I can handle a few puny humans, Zarga!" roared the man called Urokai.

Mira doubled over, coughing blood. Looks like I'll have to go full power from the get go! She thought to herself. If I'm lucky, it shouldn't affect the nearby villagers. Erza rushed to her companion's side.

"Mira! Are you alright?!" she questioned, worry and concern on her face.

"Heheh...I've been through worse" she breathed out, "Still, from their conversation, it looks like they don't plan on killing us, which might be good for us. As I thought, our best bet is to get away. If we work together, it doesn't seem too far fetched. I'm gonna release my full Satan Soul form, and you should go you're your Nakagami armor" she suggested.

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