Chapter 25: - Aftermath

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Chapter 25: - Aftermath

The sound of the waves crashing into the shores could still be heard all the way out here. It was difficult for Raskreia to read Raizel's expression. What seemed like a whole minute of silence passed between them, before Raizel slowly raised his hand, his scarlet eyes glowing softly. A warm glow contradicting the cold, dark state of Erza and Mira's corpses enveloped them, cleaning all their wounds and replacing their torn, tattered attire to a regal black and gold suit, similar to the Noble's dresses. Raskreia said nothing, and simply carried Mira in her arms bridal style. Raizel did the same with Erza.

The journey back was painful, slow and tiring even for the noblesse and the lord's daughter. It was not that carrying two bodies attracted attention from on lookers, for either Raizel or Raskreia used mind control on the crowds to make sure they were left alone. Rather the fact that nobles were responsible for murdering humans in this world. Raizel had given his word that no harm would come to anyone from Fairy Tail, and ironically ended up being responsible for the deaths of two of them indirectly.

Having reached the capital Crocus, Raizel got himself a cup of tea to calm his nerves. He wondered what the Lord would think of him if he saw this scene right now, acting so much like a human would in times of grief. This time though, Raskreia joined him for tea and the two shared a silent solace in trying to comfort the other.

Back at Magnolia, Guild of Fairy Tail

Makarov was walking up and down the stairs in the guild, biting his nails. Lucy had already asked everyone from the guild to be present in the guild for the next few days so that when Raizel and Raskreia return with Erza and Mira, everyone could welcome them back and take their worries off their mind. Frankenstein was having a cup of tea, courtesy of Cana who was substituting for Mira's absence to handle the guild's bar. Naturally as you'd expect from someone who's main forte was alcohol, making tea was not really her thing. You could tell from how Frankenstein bore a deadpanned expression on his face most of the times, but he drank it anyways, as if to indicate that the flavor of tea was the last thing on his mind.


The guild doors flew open revealing Elfman, the first one to arrive at the guild. It figures that he would be the one to appear first, considering his younger sister's past and also his overprotective nature. One could tell he was the most worried one amongst the group too. He said nothing and simply sat in a corner of the guild. Lucy sighed, and simply placed a glass of 'Sorcerer Magazine's recommended stamina potion!' in front of him.


This time, it was Natsu. He came straight up to Lucy, almost nose to nose. The celestial mage blinked hard, bewildered.

"Wh...what...?" Natsu continued to stare, saying nothing and with a serious expression on his face.

" Gimme some flamin' charcoal mocktail shots" he said seriously.

"Coming right up~~" rang out Cana's voice from behind.

"Why the hell does such a thing even exist?!?!?!" protested Lucy comedically, eyes popping. After Natsu got his, he joined Elfman at the table. Next to arrive was Gray, who also did the same as Natsu.

" I'll take some 'Chillin' icicle fruit punch" demanded the ice mage, his voice mirroring his title.

"~~Coming up~~~" chimed Cana from behind once again, surprising the celestial mage yet once more. Following this, Levy, Gajeel, Juvia, Jet, Droy, Azlack, Bisca, Evergreen, Freed, Bixlow, Macao, Wakaba, Romero, Raki and the rest of the gang were soon there, all of them complete with their own signature drinks ranging from 'Ferrum Rum', 'Rainy wonderland', 'Leprechaun's nectar' till Makarov's 'Regular Whiskey', which was just plain whiskey. Lucy practically gave up trying to deduce the reason such drinks existed in the bar and wondered if this was the only place they could find them. But she was glad that everyone was easing up in their own way. It provided her some warmth. In all this time, Frankenstein still hadn't finished his tea and Tesamu was back at their house. She took a seat adjacent to him. Good. Now everyone was present. She couldn't wait. It would be a huge surprise to both Mira and Erza as well.

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