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A sketch I made back when I started to think about making this story! This is how I see Victor's class, except the desks are those long single ones you find in college instead of individual ones like in the drawing if that makes sense ._.

The '???' will make sense later :3

Mr. Nikiforov
chapter six // feelings

"I still don't think this was a very good idea," I whispered, looking over my shoulder at the group of guys walking out of the music room, locking the door behind them.

"You could always leave, Yuri. But, please, give it a chance." Phichit whispered back, smiling softly at me.

"And by 'it' do you mean, going out for drinks or him?" I asked, motioning at Yato with a nudge of my head. Phichit beamed.

"Both. When was the last time you were in a relationship?" Our conversation was cut short when Hikaru, Kaoru, Yato, and Phichit's new friend, Kyoya, reached us.

"Oh, ready to go?" Phichit asked and they all nodded. It seems like Kyoya is the serious, professional type of person. In a way, the opposite of what Phichit's interests would be, but it seems to be working quite fine. They've been getting along for the past hour, and I can tell Phichit is at least a bit interested.

And on my case, there's Yato. He's slightly taller than me, has somewhat long, dark purple hair and a pair of light, captivating eyes. I found myself comparing them to Victor's at one point, but I quickly scolded myself and ignored that thought. Yato is more on the happy, talkative side than Kyoya is. And although there are times when he acts the same as the twins, he can also be serious and pay full attention every time I answer one of his random questions.

"So, how come you ended up joining the club?" I decided to ask after walking for a few minutes, trying my best to keep this thing from getting awkward. If I was going to go get drinks, I at least want it to be tolerable.

Yato took long, but slow strides beside me, stuffing his hands into his jacket he had changed into before leaving the music room.

"I suppose I just like to help others whenever possible." He shrugged, "Much like a God would do." He grinned and I actually cracked a smile.

"God Yato?" I chuckled and he laughed.

"Yeah, well, I might just be an up-and-coming stray God for now...but someday I may stand as the lands highest god." He joked, raising a fist in mock determination. Or, at least, it seemed that way.

We continued to talk about some random things about each other like we've been life long friends. I wasn't so sure about this just a few minutes ago, but Yato really isn't that bad. I was actually having fun.

We all got into Kyoya's car, since it was the biggest, and he insisted it was best if he drove. It would've been normal if it wasn't for the fact that it wasn't Kyoya driving but a chauffer.

Damn rich people.

On the ride to the bar Yato and I continued to talk and it was when Yato mentioned that he was in his last year of college that I realized something. I awkwardly turned to look at Phichit and nudged his side getting his attention before leaning in to whisper softly.

"Uh, how do you plan to go into the bar? Did you forget we're underage?" Phichit smiled.

"Don't worry, I have our fake IDs." I frowned a bit.

Mr. Nikiforov || Victuri AUWhere stories live. Discover now