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A/n: my apology gift for the previous chapter♡

Mr. Nikiforov
chapter eleven // you're worth it
It's been two days. Two days since I started to ignore Victor completely. He still hasn't made much of an effort to talk to me, not that there's a reason for him to. Besides a few glances here and there, he hasn't even as much as directed a word to me. I've been trying my best to pay attention to his lessons for the most part, but I'm usually distracted by Yato and Seven. The past days, Yato has become closer to us and it seems like Seven has accepted him into our small circle of close friends. I was happy about that.

Today was Friday and like it had been since yesterday, I was writing down a couple of notes here and there when a paper airplane flew to my desk, crashing softly against my hand that was doodling on the corner of my notebook. I looked to the side expecting to see Yato or Seven staring at me, but they were both looking ahead. I was about to look away when I noticed Yato's lips twitch into a smile. I smirked.

Carefully, I took the airplane and leant back before throwing it behind Seven's head. It hit Yato's temple and I chuckled.

When I leant back forward, Yato looked at me with wide, amused eyes as he silently feigned a hurtful gasp. We both broke into quiet laughs after his small act. Thankfully, the class ended before we could make a bigger scene which would most likely get us in trouble.

"Please practice for your test on Monday." Mr. Nikiforov said loudly in a monotone. There were a few "yeah's" here and there as everyone put their belongings away and began to leave.

I was quick to stuff my notebook and pen into my backpack and jump up to my feet, silently willing Seven to hurry up as he took his precious time to finish writing something down.

Meanwhile, Yato came to my side, still smiling. We started talking about what we were doing this weekend as we waited for Seven to finish. A minute after, the three of us were walking down the stairs to the front of the class, past the few students that were still around.

"I have a date with Dr. P and my Honey Buddah Chips." Seven shrugged, some pride behind his input. I rolled my eyes in a teasing way and unfortunately met eyes with the person I wanted to avoid the most.

It was quick, but I noticed the urgency in his eyes. He was willing me to stay behind, for whatever motive he might've had, but I ignored him and continued to walk as if I didn't notice.

"Wai-" I knew what he was doing, so I quickly jumped to Yato's side, using his frame to hide behind as I hurried us both out of the classroom. Yato thought nothing of it, but before we left the room, I noticed Mr. Nikiforov's surprised look as he watched us leave.

This will show him I'm not the same as I was the last time we met.

"You got something to do after classes?" Yato asked as we stepped out of the building. It was the same question he had asked back inside when Seven told us about his 'date' but I never got to answer his question.

Before I could respond, Seven raised a hand in our direction, "Well, I'll see you guys on Monday. Adios!" We waved goodbye and Yato and I continued walking together.

Remembering his question I nodded, "I'm busy after classes."

"Oh." Yato mumbled. Half-heartedly, he added, "You've got work or something?"

It was a trivial question, nothing uncommon to ask a college student, but it still rose a bit of panic in me. I tried my best to calm down though and answer with the best uninterested tone I could.

Mr. Nikiforov || Victuri AUWhere stories live. Discover now