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Mr. Nikiforov
chapter twenty-one // sleepover



After finally getting Victor to let me help him with dinner, I served us all some delicious pasta, chicken, and veggies--which Anton refused to eat, but ended up giving in to once Victor used me as an example.

"Vegetables make you grow big and strong, so make sure you eat lots of them." I had whispered to Anton across the table, a little nervously. He sure is a sweet kid, but I found myself intimidated by him.

I smiled as his eyes lit up.

"I thought Dad always lied when he told me that. I believe you now, Dad. I'll eat my veg-taples."

Victor had thanked me for that after we finished eating and started to clean up, admitting that it's always difficult to get Anton to eat his vegetables. I told him it was nothing and finished loading the dish washer as I smiled to myself, silently agreeing that Anton sure was adorable.

"Dad, I finished brushing my teeth!" Anton announced as he marched into the kitchen, already wearing his pajamas which were a bit crooked around the shoulders.

"Awesome." Victor praised and went over to fix his shirt, tapping Anton's button nose afterwards which earned him a giggle.

"Oh, Yuri, want to see my toys?!" Anton gasped, skipping over to my side. I looked over at Victor, silently asking him what I should say. "I have many! Papa just gave me new dinosaurs last time I saw him, and there's a yellow one with wings! It's fun, I'll show you!"

"Uhm--" I cleared my throat nervously. I wasn't too used to being around tiny, over-energised adults; and I know I'm the one who told Victor he should let Anton spend the night at his own home instead of V's place, but I wasn't sure if there were boundaries that I'm supposed to be aware of or not.

What should I say?

"Maybe tomorrow, bug." Victor suggested, thankfully stepping in and saving me. "It's already past your bedtime and I'm sure Yuri's also tired."

"Oh, okay. Tomorrow we can play games!"

"Yeah." I smiled down at the platinum haired toddler. He'd truly be a spitting image of Victor, if it wasn't for his vibrant green eyes and bubblier personality. Victor was definitely more serious and conservative for the most part, which makes sense since he is both a teacher and a parent.

"Let's go, Anton, I'll go put you in bed." Victor smiled softly.

"Goodnight, Yuri!" I waved goodbye and nodded when Victor mouthed at me to wait for a bit before carrying Anton up to his hip and disappearing up the stairs.

I walked over to the living room and sat on one of the couches, smiling softly to myself.

Today had gone by much better than I had expected. And even though I surprised myself by asking Victor to tell V, Anton should come back, I don't regret it at all. He's really a sweet kid. Victor is clearly doing a good job at raising him.

It felt like I was downstairs for a only a few minutes before I heard Victor come back downstairs. I turned to look at him and he flashed me a sheepish grin.

"Anton's asleep now. It's actually pretty late already...want to go upstairs already?" I felt my hands tremble at my sides, but I took a deep breath and nodded.

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