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A/N: this is another almost 5.000 word chapter! do you guys enjoy the longer chapters better? (the past three chapters have been +4,000)

Mr. Nikiforov
chapter thirteen // games


Not much else happened that night, to our displeasure. Soon after sharing a few more kisses against the wall of the dressing room, I realized Victor shouldn't be backstage and we would get in trouble if we got caught. Once we had made it out to the main area, I had been ready to go back and do my job, when I was stopped by Victor. He had asked me with big, sad eyes not to go and spend the rest of the night with him.

"I need to work though..." I had pointed out, torn between what I wanted to do and what I was supposed to do.

It was difficult to see, and if it wasn't for the flash of bright light shining from the stage, I would have missed the deep blush on Victor'sface as he whispered he would pay me. I wanted to decline the offer instantly, but Victor being himself, he was able to explain his reasons and once again, convinced me. In a way, that was awkward, but as we spent the rest of the night together, he had completely forgotten about it and just had fun.

I wanted to kiss him more, but we weren't allowed to get too close, let alone lock lips. In the end, we were doomed to touching each other's hand or chest every once in a while, teasing and tempting one another. It was good enough for me.

There had also been Jumin who we found busy with Zen. I was surprised to feel so happy to see them talking to each other, for the first time realizing how fitting they would be as a couple. Or well...aside from their jobs.

Thankfully, Jumin didn't seem to mind in the least about Zen's profession. If anything, he seemed accepting of it.

I had wondered what Victor thought of me. Does he think lowly of me for what I do? The idea was absurd. It didn't seem like something Victor would ever think.

Once the night had ended, Victor offered to give me a ride home. I would have declined and gone with Zen as usual but instead I was left facing the back of Zen's head as he left the club with Jumin in arm.

I had only shook my head in irony.

That night I found out Victor was surprisingly a very good driver; rarely ever went over the speed limit and we made it back to the dorms in twenty minutes.

After saying goodnight, I exited his exotic car and walked a bit to the dorms, since we had decided it was best he didn't get too close and risk getting recognized by a late-walking student.

Two weeks had passed since that night at the Legions Club.

That weekend was like hell for me. I hadn't heard of Victor at all until Sunday afternoon. It was a text from him, explaining how he had finally gotten his phone back and how he didn't mean to disappear on me the previous day. I was just glad he didn't regret Friday night and French class wouldn't be as awkward as I was beginning to imagine.

And it truly wasn't. The following Monday was the first time I saw Victor since Friday evening and the first time I ever saw him look so...well, not so serious. Although he didn't go out of his way to talk to me, he didn't fail to flash me a smile when he saw me walk in. We had talked a lot the previous night, and everything seemed well. There were some glances during the lesson but it was obvious he was trying his best to keep focused on his job. I chuckled, remembering he distracted me from doing my job.

The day after that and the days following were all the same -- for two weeks. Every day Victor and I would text in the afternoons and see each other during class. At first I thought it was fun, hot even, that we had this thing going on between the two of us while the rest of the world was oblivious to it. But with every day that went by without anything other than the same routine going by, I started to once again have my doubts.

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