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Mr. Nikiforov
chapter seventeen // the date


The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the music coming from somewhere in the dorm. I tried my best to ignore it, since it was somewhat faint, but the second I picked up on the sound, it was impossible to tune out.

And so I sat up with a groan, scanning around my room to see if the noise was emitting from here, but it sounded more like it was coming from out in the hall.

I tumbled out of my bedroom, hair a mess and sweatpants hanging low on my hips. I looked down the hall and squinted my eyes at Phichit's bedroom door. With each step I took closer, the louder the sounds became.

I pushed the door opened and looked around for the whatever was making that sounds, not caring if I woke up Phichit with my fumbling around (not that I even could since that kid is the heaviest sleeper out there). Finally, between a pile of clothes, I found an alarm clock crying loudly for attention. I snoozed the alarm and threw the object aside, picking up a pillow instead and slamming it against Phichit's body.

"Wake up, you Phi-shit!" Phichit grumbled something under his breath and turned over to his other side, shooing me off. Huffing, I threw my whole body over his instead, tugging at his hear to get his attention. "Your stupid alarm woke me up! What even is it for?"

"Mmm...I h've t'pack my thin's." (I have to pack up my things)

"Well then get up already, suffer with me." I groaned, also wishing I could go back to sleep, but it's best if I stay up and do something productive for the day. And by that I mean babysit Phichit and make sure he actually gets everything ready to visit his family for the holidays.

Today is going to be a long day...


While helping Phichit pack up his luggage, he told me about his date with Kyoya and how everything went. Turns out that they are now dating and the pair ended up spending the night at Kyoya's place since it was late by the time their date came to an end--but Phichit promised me with a flushed face that nothing happened between them (not that it's any of my business). I playfully scolded him for spending the night over for the remainder of the time we were in the dorm.

After he had everything he needed, I drove him to the airport in the car he got a bit over a month ago. I dropped him off, wished him good luck on his trip, and drove back home on my own. Today I would be going over to Victor's house for dinner.

What should I do in the mean time?

I had been at the dorm room for about an hour, wasting time by cleaning and watching some TV, when I got a text message from none other than Zen. It had been a while since he last texted me.

are you busy?

a friend and i are going to
meet up to eat & get some drinks
and thought maybe you'd
wanna come along?

I looked at the time and noticed I still had plenty of time left to spare. It had been a while since I met up with Zen outside of work, and even if I don't drink I could just get myself some light snacks, so why the hell not.

I replied to his message and asked for the extra information. They would meet up at a bar not so far from campus in about thirty minutes. It was enough time for me to take a quick shower and get dressed.

Humming to myself, I jumped into the shower and washed up, wondering who this friend Zen was referring to might be. I guess I would find out soon.

I made it out of the dorm in under twenty minutes, showered and fully dressed. I made sure I had my wallet and keys before heading out. The drive to the bar felt a bit nostalgic since it was the bar Zen and I would always meet up in whenever we went out for drinks last year. Since it was too hectic for him to come and pick me up all the way from where he lives, and then drive back to a bar near his place, we would go to a bar that was walking distance from campus. This way it was easier for me to walk there on my own and meet up with him on time. I don't understand why he didn't ask to meet up somewhere closer to his area after I told him I had a car today.

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