Chapter Two

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EDITED: May 18, 2018

Your POV:

After talking with L about meeting up with him and the Task Force he sent me the information I needed to meet up with him. I got my plane ticket and packed the stuff I needed.

~time skip~

I had finally gotten onto the plane and settled down as we took off to Japan.

Am I finally showing Kira defeat by showing my face? I may have lost the battle but I haven't lost the war. I'm not going to let Kira win he may be out to kill me and L but I will catch him before he gets the chance.

I slowly started to drift off to my peaceful slumber.


A man was standing in front of me, he had baggy clothing and he was hiding his face behind a mask.

"I am L." He said in a distorted voice. I tried taking off his mask but he had started yelling and twitching and pushing me away.

"You're not L..." I stated backing away from him slowly. He started to laugh evilly like a mad man and took out a black book with some writing on it but I couldn't make out what it said.

"Die (y/n) (l/n)!" He yelled and wrote down something I assumed was my name in the book. My eyes widened, nobody knew my real name. Then I felt a pain in my chest and I collapsed to the ground. Before I passed Kira knelt down to me and took off the mask. It was a younger man that looked like he was in college with light brown hair and brown eyes and had a very handsome face.

"I am Kira..." he whispered then everything went black.


I shot up in my seat breathing heavily and looked around and I was still on the plane. We had just landed and everyone was getting their things and leaving. I sighed.

   "Only a dream..." I told myself. I got out of my seat and grabbed my things then got off the plane. I looked around and saw and older man looking at me and he walked towards me.

   "Are you Miss (l/n)? By any chance?" He asked me.

   "You know my real name?" I asked. Then I realized something, and my eyes widen at my thought. "You're with L?" I asked him quietly and he nodded with a soft smile.

   "Please follow me Ryuzaki has asked me to drive you to the hotel." I nodded and got into a limo outside of the airport. "My name is Watari by the way miss please call for me if you need anything at any time." He told me.

   "Thank you very much, Watari." I told him smiling. Watari got into the driver's seat and drove me to the hotel L was staying at. I got out of the car as soon as we got there, and bowed to Watari thanking him and went up to the room L had sent to me.

   Outside of the room were the police officers from the Task Force. They opened the door and walked into the room and I did as well. There in the room stood a man with raven black hair, baggy clothing, no shoes, bags under his eyes, and he was slouching a bit, he must sit differently or suffer a back injury.

   "I am L." He stated in a monotone voice. This was him? Huh, I imagined him a little more different, but he seems so unique, and I like it. The police officers seemed shocked and confused. Then Chief Yagami took out his ID along with the rest of them introducing themselves and I lightly chuckled.

   "Idiots..." I muttered.

   "What did you say?!" Aizawa asks his voice filled with anger.

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