Chapter Thirteen

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"Misa, is it true you came to Tokyo in order to meet Kira?" I asked her, we were practicing how Misa would act in case of an emergency.

"What?!" She asked over exaggerating and L lightly hit her on the head with a megaphone.

"Misa, please stop overreacting. It looks cheesy." He told her.

"Whatever you say, Mr. Oh So Great Director." She said irritated.

"If you don't take this seriously, I will kick you." I told her jokingly, but I was still a little serious.

~time skip~

Misa has left with Mogi to meet with the Yotsuba group to see if they'll use her in their commercials. She came back and we found out that they hired her and she would be working with them.

"Good job, Misa." I said to her as I smiled sweetly. She may be the second Kira, but it's really nice to have another girl around.

"I gave them all my number, and three of them already asked me out on a date!" She said happily. "Now I just have to investigate them and agree to the date, right Alice?"

"No!" Light said. "This plan is getting cancelled right now."

"Huh?" Misa asked looking behind her to look at Light. He explained to her that it was too dangerous and she gave in. "Fine, well I better go get some sleep."

She went to the elevator and peeked out and looked at Light. She giggled and Light looked back to her confused.

"Hey Light, wanna come sleep with me tonight?" She asked.

"What?" Light asked surprised.

"Just kidding! You're saving that until after we catch Kira, right? There's no need to be shy." Then she left.

"Yes Light, there's no need to be shy." I told him smirking.

"I'm not being shy!" He argued.

"No need to be so serious either." L said as he grabbed my hand gently rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand.

~time skip~

I was calling her and calling her but she wasn't answering. I groaned and threw my phone at the wall.

"Damn it, Misa!" I mumbled to myself. I heard a ding and saw Misa in a nurses uniform standing there. I ran up to her and grabbed her shoulders.

"Are you stupid?! What were you thinking?!" I yelled at her. She really has become a good friend of mine, and I hate myself for it. She then played something from her phone and got Kira, Higuchi.

"Higuchi is Kira!" She told me happily as she hugged me. My eyes were widened, she did it, she figured it out.

We continued to talk about how this was bad and Misa shouldn't have done this. I sighed and contacted Wedy and asked her to place cameras and wire taps in Higuchi's six cars. She wasn't too happy with this but agreed to anyways. We would still need to know how Higuchi kills people, I thought for a moment and turned to Light.

"Can I ask you something Light?" I asked him.

"Sure, what is it?" He asked and I sighed.

"Do you remember how you killed?" I asked him hesitantly. He looked surprised and groaned. "Or killing anyone?"

"You're still going on about that?" He asked me angrily. "I'm not Kira! How many times do I have to..."

"Just please answer the question, Light." L told him.

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