Chapter Seven

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(Y/n)'s POV:

L had run out of some of his favorite sweets so he asked me to go out and grab them but he gave me his money so I didn't have to worry about that. He even told me to get a few things for myself if I wanted to. When I was on my way back I lightly looked behind me to see a man following me and I started to walk faster. Relax (y/n) ignore him and he'll ignore you, just get to the hotel almost there.

"Hey..." I heard the man say. I walked even faster scared of what would happen.

He ran to me and I ran as fast as I could. Damn it (y/n) you're the second smartest person in the world think of something! I was too scared to think of anything to get me out of there. The man finally caught up to me and covered my mouth to prevent me from screaming. I tried to kick and punch him but had no avail.

"Tell me miss, do you support Kira?" He asked me.

"W-what?!" I asked.

"DO YOU SUPPORT KIRA OUR GOD?!" He yelled starting to choke me.

"Y-yes..." I said quietly.

"You're a horrible liar."

He threw me to the ground punching me, kicking, anything he could do to hurt me. I was bleeding so much at this point I saw that he had a knife and stabbed me in my side and I screamed in agonizing pain. The man quickly ran away and I just lay there trying to move.

"Fuck..." I whispered. "" I cried.

I then remembered, Watari, I had his number in case anything were to happen. I quickly opened my phone which was covered in blood and called Watari.

"Hello? Miss Alice?" Watari asked.

"Watari, help, please..." I whispered but loud enough for him to hear.

"Alice?! Do you know where you are?" He asked calmly.

"N-no...please send help please!" I cried. "Help pleas--"

Then all I saw was darkness.

~time skip~

I woke up to beeping noises and a bright white room. I tried to sit up a little but I felt huge amounts of pain in my side.

"Alice?" It was L.

"Ryuzaki?" I asked. I groaned and laid back down on the hospital bed. "What happened?"

"You were beaten and stabbed by a man." He told me. He got up and hugged me gently. "I'm so glad you're alright, when Watari told me I though Kira got to you." He sounded like he was crying.

"Ryuzaki, I'm okay I promise." I said hugging him back tightly.

"It's my fault...I shouldn't have asked you to go out." He said. "Then you would've been safe with me."

I kissed his cheek and smiled and started to cry. I'm so happy he's here with me, he saved my life and so sweet.

"Alice, I...I love you..." he said quietly.

"I love you too, L." I whispered quietly. He pulled back from the hug and gently kissed my lips. He tasted like every kind of sugary treat you could think of. He pulled away and I smiled and he gave me a smile in return.

~time skip~

   I was released from the hospital after two days, they gave me some pills to help with the pain. L told me they received some DNA on one of the tapes that was sent in. I was sitting with L going through hair, crumbs, etc. I sighed and put one of the hair samples down.

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