Chapter Seventeen

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   Emiko was sitting next to Aizawa while Light was typing away at his computer. Recently, Demegawa had died, who was supposedly Kira's spokesman. Matsuda then walked into the room with two bags and a newspaper.

   "Extra! Extra! There's a new development in the Kira case!" Matsuda said. He handed Emiko one of the bags since she requested him to get ice cream for her. She happily took it and started to eat it and thanked Matsuda. "Kira's chosen a new spokesperson to take Demegawa's place. Take a look."

   He then turned on the TV and a woman with short dark drown hair was shown.

   "Good evening, this is Kiyomi Takada of News 6." Takada said on the TV. "Starting today, it is my duty, to spread the word of Kira, accurately and quickly."

   "NHN's star broadcaster?" Emiko asked as she watched the TV.

   "Kira's got good taste, choosing Takki was a good idea." Matsuda said kind of creepily.

   "Light dated Takada in college." Aizawa told me and I nodded knowingly.

   "Everyone, I just had an idea." Light said as he stood up. "I was thinking we could make use of Takada. I actually dated her back in college, if she's his spokesperson, she must be receiving orders from him."

   "She could be doing it because Kira is threatening her." Matsuda said. "She could be too scared to tell us anything."

~time skip~

   Light was meeting up with Takada in a hotel room. Everyone was listening and watching what the two of them were saying. Matsuda seemed the most interested in it too. Light was pretty much silent until Takada's phone started to ring. She picked it up and looked at the id.

   "Oh, Kira." She said quietly.

   "She just said it's Kira." Emiko said to everyone.

   "Kira's contacting her directly?" Aizawa asked surprised.

   Takada said a few words before handing the phone to Light saying Kira wanted to speak to him. Mikami was surprised when Light answered and immediately knew it was Kira. After a little while Light told them to remove the wiretaps, so they had no choice but to do so. Later on, Light called again.

   "Light! Are you okay?!" Matsuda asked.

   "Yes, I've managed to contact Kira. For the time being, I'm going to pretend to be dating Takada." Light told them.

~time skip~

Alice's POV:

   I walked back home from my car and walked inside the house. I put my things down and fell onto the couch feeling extremely tired. I then heard footsteps approaching me and I turned my head to see Lawliet. He chuckled and picked me up bridal style and kissed my cheek.

   "Welcome home, Sleeping Beauty." He said as he carried me upstairs.

"Mmm," I mumbled as I nuzzled the side of my face into his chest.

"How's everything going? How's Near? Mello?" He asked me.

"It was nice seeing them again, but Near and Mello are practically at each other's throats." I told him.

"That's not anything new, they'll be okay, you'll see." He said as he kissed the top of my forehead.

"Also, everyone else in Headquarters is starting to suspect Light." I told him.

"Finally," he mumbled. I giggled as he put me down on our bed, and we got underneath the covers. Lawliet pulled me closer to him, and put his head on top of mine. I yawned, and hugged Lawliet's torso nuzzling my face into his chest.

"Goodnight" He said quietly.

"Goodnight, Love." I said back and we both fell asleep.

~time skip~

For the past week, Light has been meeting up with Takada, and pretending to date her. Earlier, Aizawa and Light were checking for cameras in the hotel room. It was fairly obvious that they were talking to each other through messages on paper. I told Aizawa to mark the stack of papers in the room, so we could check later.

   Light was currently with Takada, and she brings up on how she had a private meeting with Misa.

   "Light, I thought you should know, I had a private meeting with Amane the other day." She said.

   "Oh man! Light's in for it now!" Matsuda said excitedly.

   "Matsuda, why are you so excited about this?"

   "Oh he's busted!" Matsuda yelled.

   "Shut up, Matsuda!" Aizawa yelled at him which made me giggle. I was sitting with Aizawa, and Matsuda kept going on about relationships and things like that. "Will You two Shut up?!" He finally yelled at them as he stood up.

   "Aizawa." I said and he looked down at me, I gave him a look as to tell him to stop. He understood and sat back down next to me. We continued to listen onto the conversation, until Takada said something, odd.

   "Kira, should be arrested." She said. I raised an eyebrow, it sounded so fake and staged. They continued to talk about how they're going to catch Kira, and how dangerous it was for Takada to be helping them. They took a long pause from talking and I groaned.

   "That's a long pause." I mumbled.


   She agreed to help and Matsuda yelled about how proud he was on Light. She finally left, and I took the earpiece out of my ear, and I sighed. Aizawa stood up and put on his jacket.

   "Alright, I'm gonna go check out the hotel." He said as he left the room.

   "I feel kinda bad that Aizawa has to check out their hotel room every night." Matsuda said and I nodded in agreement.

   When I was walking to my car, one of Near's SPK members walked up to me. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and he was very tall.

   "Miss Alice, Near wants you as soon as possible, Aizawa wants to speak directly to Near and you." He told me. I nodded, and he took me to his car where Aizawa was waiting with a cloth over his eyes. We finally arrived after about twenty minutes, and we led Aizawa into the room.

   "Hello Mr. Aizawa, and Alice." Near greeted us. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Aizawa."

   "I can't really say the same with this blindfold on." Aizawa said.

   "He doesn't have any weapons or cameras on him." Rester told Near.

   "In that case, you're free to take off your blindfold." Near told him. Aizawa took off his blindfold and looked at Near.

   "Near, I believe you." Aizawa told him. "L and Takada have been meeting almost every single night." I scoffed when he called him L.

   "I know."

   "Well then how about this? They have been passing notes to each other."

   "Mr. Aizawa, please don't make any unnecessary actions."

   "Unnecessary actions?" He asked confused.

   "Yes, it is no longer a matter of simply finding evidence against Kira." Near told him. "We must hit Kira with complete defeat in order to stop him. Mr. Aizawa, I'll say this bluntly. You and the task force are no longer apart of this battle. However, if you still want to help catch Kira, then you're more than welcome to. Just keep an eye on him, as you've been doing."

   "That's it? Keep an eye on him?" Aizawa asked.

   "Yes, but there's a purpose to watching over L." Near said. "And it's all part of my plan. After all this, I want you to be a witness to the end of Kira."

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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