Chapter Nine

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(Y/n)'s POV:

   "Ryuzaki, Alice." Mr. Yagami said. "I'd like to be taken off the investigation."

   "Chief!" Aizawa and Matsuda yelled.

   "We're holding my son as a Kira suspect," he said. "I shouldn't be here. Regardless of whether we should investigate him, when we are talking about confining him, I let my personal feelings get in the way."

   "I agree with you, personal feelings shouldn't be involved." L said.

   "And if my son really is Kira I don't know what kind of actions I would take."

   "Yes. I would imagine you would kill your son and then kill yourself." I said. "I also agree that we shouldn't have you here."

   "Could you confine me as well?" Mr. Yagami asked.

   "I thought you would say something like that so I spoke with Watari about the arrangements." L said eating some kind of fruit. "However your confinement will be different, you will keep your cellphone on. Maintaining regular contact with your family and others from the outside."

"We won't tell Light about this, if Light calls you, talk to him as if you're still in headquarters." I said. "Also, we will be continually giving you updates of what's going on in the investigation. That sound okay?"

"Yes, thank you." Mr. Yagami said.

Third Day Of Confinement

"Mister Stalker, I'd really like to take a bath." Misa said. "I'm assuming you know where I live, can you bring me a change of clothes?"

"I didn't think this could get anymore bizarre." Aizawa said.

"I feel so sorry for the chief." Matsuda said.

"Alice? Ryuzaki? Talk to me, has anything happened?" Light asked. "Have any criminals been broadcast that Kira would target?"

"A few criminal's names have been broadcast, but since you've been detained none of them have been killed." L said into the speaker.

"Wait no ones been killed? Really?" He asked. God, it sounded so fake it hurts.


"It's only a matter of time before I'm convicted as Kira."

Ugh what's going on? I thought the killing would actually continue even with Light confined here. But, they've just stopped completely. Light asked to be confined but if this continues it'll prove he's Kira. Now the question is whether he was conscious of being Kira.

Fifth Day of Confinement

   "Mr. Yagami looks pretty bad, worse than Light and Misa." I said.

   "What'd you expect it's been five days since Light's been imprisoned." Matsuda said. "And not a single criminal, whose name was broadcast, was killed."

   "Mr. Yagami." I said pressing on the button.

   "Yes?!" He asked. "Is it good news?!"

   "I just want to tell you not to worry so much, please just relax." I told him.

   "No! No matter when I leave no matter the results, I'm going to be leaving with my son!"

   "I understand." L said.

Seventh Day of Confinement

   "Light, it's only been one week, but you're looking worn out. Are you feeling alright?"

   "Yeah, I know I look pretty bad in here, but...this useless pride, I'll just have to get rid of it." Light said. Light's eyes widened and he looked up he seemed more, innocent. "Alice, Ryuzaki, I know I agreed to be detained and choose to do this, but now I just clearly realized that doing this is meaningless! You have to get me out of here!"

   "What?" I asked myself. L seemed just as confused as I did.

   "I can't do that." L said to him. "We promised that no matter what you said, I wouldn't let you out until we decided on whether or not you were Kira."

   "There was something wrong with me then!" Light yelled. "Do you really think that Kira would be able to operate without being conscious of it?! I don't remember Kira's crimes, so I'm not him!"

   "I do not believe that Kira has been acting without self-awareness all this time." L said to him. "But if you are him everything matches up. As soon as you were detained, murders by Kira stopped."

   "Listen Ryuzaki, hear me out! I'm not lying! I'm not Kira! I can only think that I've been framed."

   What's wrong with Light? This is not like him at all! What you've been saying makes no sense at all but, it feels like you're telling the truth.

Fifteenth Day of Confinement

   "Kira is back..." Aizawa said.

   "Did you guys already tell the Chief?" Matsuda asked.

   "No not yet." Matsuda walked over and pressed the speaker button.

   "Chief, Kira has started killing again!" Matsuda said. "It looks like he was only resting! He started punishing criminals again.

   "Is that true, Matsuda?" Mr. Yagami asked. "I shouldn't be happy people have started dying again, but at least my son's name will be cleared. But this still won't be enough for Alice and Ryuzaki."

   Aizawa and Matsuda looked at me and L for our answer. We looked at each other and he held my hand tightly.

   "Well, he's in the grey." I answered.

   "Did you hear that, Chief?!" Matsuda asked him.

   "Yeah, he was pretty much guilty up until now. Thank god." Matsuda put down the speaker and went to pick up Light's.

   "Let's tell Light!" He said. I grabbed his hand making sure I wasn't hurting him.

   "No, Matsuda!" I said sternly. "We can't tell him about this." I pushed the button for Light's speaker and spoke into it. "Light you've been in here for two weeks and not a single criminal has been killed. Why won't you just give up and confess that you're Kira?"

   "Don't be ridiculous, you're wrong!" Light yelled. "I'm not Kira!" I thought for a moment and pressed Misa's speaker button and spoke into it. "Misa, you're really sure that you don't know who Kira is?"

   "Huh? That again? That's what I want to know!" She said. "Kira is a hero of justice who punished the burglar who killed my parents."

I don't understand what's going on.


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