Chapter Four

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L's POV:

Mr. Yagami, (y/n), and I were currently looking at video surveillance of the Yagami household. (Y/n) has been up for such a long time she wasn't getting any sleep and her bangs under her eyes have gotten worse than mine.

"Alice...?" I ask her.

"Hmm...?" She really looked exhausted. I patted my shoulder and moved closer to her.

"You need rest please you may rest on my shoulder if you'd like."

"But I need to work Ryuzaki..." she yawned. "But I guess a small nap wouldn't hurt."
She laid her head on my shoulder and quickly fell asleep.

"Ryuzaki..." Mr. Yagami said.

"Yes?" I said quietly trying not to wake (y/n).

"About the purse-snatched and the embezzler's heart attacks two days ago..." he started.

"That happened before my family had any knowledge of it. So, have they been cleared?"

"You may be right." I said. "Even though Kira can control the time of death, I don't think there's any way he could've set up his victims without watching the broadcast." Then I saw the door had opened and Mr. Yagami's son came in.

"Your son has come home again." I said.

~time skip~


"Over the past few days, I have checked our tapes and video footage many times." I started.

"And I've come to a conclusion. Among the Kitamura and the Yagami households has revealed...nothing." Mr. Yagami sighed and looked relieved. (Y/n) looked irritated and a bit disappointed. "I'll remove the cameras and wiretaps."

"All that and we still don't have any suspects." Matsuda said.

"It's okay Matsuda. We're going to have to narrow down our possibilities once more." Mr. Yagami said while pushing up his glasses.

"Please don't get the wrong idea," I said. "I just meant there wasn't anyone suspicious based on our surveillance."

"What?!" Mr. Yagami exclaimed.

"Even if Kira was among them, he wouldn't just give himself away." (Y/N) said. "It means that he was able to do it casually without anyone noticing.

"So, you both believe that one of them might be Kira?" Mr. Yagami asked referring to his family.

"I'd say there's--"

"A five percent chance." (Y/N) said cutting me off but it's good that she was right. There was not way a human being could just wish upon death of somebody. A power like that would be considered god-like. A thought like that is stupid, that God would need a name and face to kill for judgment. No, this is someone playing as God who is childish like he's playing pretend. There's no other option I must investigate Light Yagami myself in person.

"All of you listen to me very carefully," I started. "I must investigate Light Yagami myself along with Alice. You and I will go to his school tomorrow and take the entrance exams with the other students including Light make sure your score is as high as you can possibly get. Understand?"

"Yes," She answered.

~time skip~

(Y/N)'s POV:

L and I arrived at the same classroom Light was in. L and I sat next to ach other and were talking a bit before the test could start. I'm the smartest woman in the world I can get and easy 100 on this even if it is as hard as some of the students say it is. After about nine minutes and 46 seconds the teacher had told everyone to start the exams.

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