Chapter Eleven

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I was in Misa's room and she was putting a face mask on me. I really had no choice since she was involved with the Second Kira and I had to get close to her because Light refused. L told me to do it, I love him but, he's a real pain in the ass sometimes.

"There!" Misa said finishing the face mask. I looked in the mirror and saw a sticky black liquid on my face and I poked my face. "Don't touch it! It needs to dry!"

"But why?" I asked her confused. I've never really used a face mask before so she was gonna have to explain it to me.

"We peel it off of your face after it dries." She told me. "It takes 40 minutes."

I groaned and looked at the mirror again then I turned back to Misa.

"Can I at least go back to work then?" I asked her.

"Sure! Just don't get the face mask ruined." She told me. I went down to where everyone was working and they all gave me weird looks, except Aizawa, who wasn't there.

"What?" I asked them.

"What happened to your face?" Light asked me and I glared at him a bit.

"Your little girlfriend happened. I have to keep this on for 40 minutes then peel it off my face!" I yelled a bit. I sighed and sat down next to L, who then held my hand which caused me to blush, but you couldn't see it since I had the face mask on.

~time skip~

"OW!" I yelled as Misa ripped off the face mask. "Fuckin' hell!"

"If you didn't move so much it wouldn't hurt." She told me. "We really need to hurry this up, (y/n), I have to go shoot a movie soon."

"Fine." I said as she ripped off the last pieces of the mask.

"There, all done!" She said happily. "Now your face looks healthier."

"Yea, well it feels like it just died." I mumbled rubbing my face and walking out of her room to where everyone else was except Matsuda, who had left with Misa to her movie shoot. I again, went back down to where everyone else was and I continued my work.

   Light was looking at L, and he was eating cake of course, and Light seemed to be thinking. I looked at Light and he didn't seem to notice me.

   "Light?" I asked. He looked up at me finally seeing me and I raised an eyebrow.

   "Huh?" He asked confused.

   "You've been staring off into space for the last three minutes, are you alright?" I asked a bit concerned.

   "Oh, I'm fine, don't worry." He said sweetly.

   "Is because I'm the only one eating cake?" L asked him then offered him some cake, which Light refused. Then the screen beeped and Watari started to speak.

   "Alice, Ryuzaki." He started to say. "Detective Eraldo Coil has been asked to uncover L and Shadow's identity." He told us.

   "Isn't he the greatest detective after Shadow?" Mr. Yagami asked. "Who would send such a request?"

   "The man who sent it is the V.P. of the rights and planning department of Yotsuba Group's main office, Masahiko Kida."

   "So it is Yotsuba!" Mr. Yagami exclaimed.

   "Yotsuba is linked to Kira. So if they want to figure out L and Shadow's identity then it must be because he wants to kill them." Light said.

   "This isn't good. We're already short handed and now we have to worry about Coil too?" Mr. Yagami asked.

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