Chapter Ten

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Me, L, Misa, and Light were all up in Misa's room, in the new Task Force Headquarters, on a double date. L and Light were currently chained to each other 24/7 and I had to keep a close eye on Misa.

"Man, this has gotta be the lamest date I've ever been on." Misa said.

"No, please just pretend we're not even here." L said eating his cake. "By the way are you gonna eat that piece of cake?"

"Cake makes you fat, I'm not gonna eat any." She told him.

"Actually, I found that you don't gain any weight as long as you use your brain." He said pointing to his head.

"So now you're calling me stupid?!" She yelled at him. "Fine then! I'll give you the piece of cake as long as you leave me and Light alone!"

"You know, even if I leave you two alone I'm gonna be watching on cameras, so it wouldn't make any difference."

"You pervert! Can you stop it with your creepy hobbies!"

"You can call me whatever you'd like, last time for cake." He stood up and grabbed her piece of cake then sitting back down.

"Okay then, I'll just close the curtains and turn off the lights!" She smiled thinking she outsmarted him and I giggled.

"We have infrared camera." I told Misa and she groaned.

"What's wrong with you?" Light asked L. "I thought moving her was supposed to help us catch Kira but ever since we got here you haven't seemed to be all that motivated."

"Not motivated?" L asked himself then he sighed. "You're right, actually I'm depressed." I looked at him sadly, I knew he seemed off I just know he doesn't like talking about this sort of thing with me so I never asked him.

"Depressed? For what reason?" Light asked.

"Well," L said eating a bite of his cake. "All this time I thought you were Kira and my entire case hinted on that fact. I guess I just can't get by that my deduction was wrong."

"How about you, (y/n)?" Light asked me and I looked up at him and I shrugged.

"I don't know, I was at least 98.8978% sure that you were Kira and Misa was the Second Kira." I told him. "I'm pretty surprised I was wrong but I'm not depressed, I'm only human, I make mistakes."

Light and L continued talking and I wasn't paying attention all that much. Well, that was until Light punched L causing both of them to go flying since they were chained together.

"Y-you know that really hurt." L said.

"That's enough! You don't feel like doing anything only because your genius deduction was wrong and I'm not Kira?!"

"Fine, then perhaps I phrased it wrong." L said. "I meant we shouldn't make a move, so we shouldn't--"

"The. There's no way we'd catch him if we don't chase after him!" Light yelled. "If you were just gonna give up then why did you involve all those innocent people?! More importantly what was the point of having Misa and me behind bars?!"

"I understand, still, whatever the reason." L said quietly and kicked Light in the face. "An eye for an eye my friend."

They both, again, went fly and knocked over the couch they were sitting on earlier. All Misa and I could do was watch the boys fight, we would only get ourselves hurt. I'll intervene when someone's bleeding. They were still talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying. They stood up again and Light punched L again but L didn't move a muscle.

"As I said before an eye for an eye." L said to him with Light's fist still on his face. "I'm a lot stronger than I look you know." L's voice deepened which sounded very attractive making me blush slightly. They continued to fight until they got a call and L answered. "Yes? Oh I see..." The person on the other line continued to talk until L hung up.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Matsuda's acting stupid again." He told me hugging me. I pushed him off and he looked confused but before he could say anything I took his face in my hands and examined his bruises. I sighed and flicked his forehead.

"Damn idiot." I said my Irish accent thickening which seemed to make L blush lightly. I giggled and kissed his cheek lovingly and his face was now a bright red.

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