Chapter Eight

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(Y/n)'s POV:

L and I were currently in the hotel waiting for Watari to tell us if Misa has said anything. I sighed and laid my head on L's shoulder. He looked over at me and kissed the top of my head.

   "Watari has she said anything yet?" L asked.

   "No, not a word." He said.

   "Get me a visual of her."

   Then Misa popped up on the screen and she was tied up like she was going to an asylum. I felt so bad for her, she was so sweet but I can't let my feelings get in the way of the investigation. Everyone but L and myself gasped at the sight before them.

"R-ryuzaki! What's the meaning of this?" Aizawa said.

"I've apprehended her for suspicion of being the second Kira." L said. "I'm sorry but this is necessary."

"Indeed, there was evidence in Amane's room." Mr. Yagami said.

   "Yes there can be no mistake." L said. "All we need now is a confession out of her."

   "We need to know how she kills people, and who the real Kira is." I said. "Oh and Mr. Yagami, Light has become our main suspect."

   "Yes, and we need to bring him in later so be prepared for when we interrogate him."

~time skip~

   "Alice, Ryuzaki," I heard Watari say. "Amane is talking.

   L and I looked at each other then he ran to the couch and threw himself onto it. I walked up to the  couch and sat myself next to him.

   "Quickly get me a visual and an audio." L said.

   Misa appeared on screen and she was breathing heavily.

   "I can't take it anymore." She said. "Kill me." I gasped along with everyone, except L, in the room. "Kill me please just kill me."

   "This is really getting to her if she wants to die." Matsuda said.

   "Misa Amane, can you hear me?" I asked pushing a button and speaking into the mic.

   "Yes I hear you, please just kill me." She begged.

   "Does this mean you admit to being the Second Kira?" I asked her.

   "No! I don't know anything about the Second Kira. I really can't take this anymore I'd rather die."

   She kept going on for a while asking us to kill her then she snapped.

   "Fine then! If you won't kill me!" She said about to bite her tongue.

   "Stop! Watari don't let her bite her tongue!" L told Watari. Then he grabbed a gag and put it around Misa's mouth preventing her from biting her tongue.

   "Could this be Kira's control of people before their deaths?" I asked.

~time skip~

   "Mister Stalker?" Misa asked. "Hello? Mister Stalker where are you right now?"

   "Stalker?" Aizawa asked. "Where's this coming from?"

   "Mister Stalker this is illegal you have to stop it." She said.

   "Does she really think she can get out of this by acting dumb?" Matsuda asked.

"Matsuda call Mogi for me please." L asked him.

"Oh uh yeah sure," Matsuda typed in the number then handed him the phone. L talked to him for a minute or two before L hung up.

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