Chapter 11 ~ Sharing Secrets Part 3

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Stampy's POV

'Wait. Wait. You never told me you got bullied Sqaish!' I said.
'Y...yeah. I bullied. In primary school, secondary school and college' Sqaishey said, 'They would laugh at me when I sung, saying I sounded like a strangled cat. But as the weeks progressed, they would get worse and worse. By the time I was in secondary school, in about year 8 (this is 12/13 in England) they would be bruising me and scratching me, aswell as getting out their compass' every maths lesson and stabbing the point in my back. I would get home and take off my blazer to see my shirt covered in dots of blood. When my mum noticed, she demanded that I told her what was going on, and when she found out, she got me to change schools. I was happy there until it started again. I didn't have many friends to stick up for me, but my only friends Em, Megan and Abs were there for me. At least I had friends there, unlike at my old school. They weren't as physical here, but they were very spiteful with their words. At my year 11 (15/16 in England) leavers prom, I ended running out in the first hour because nearly everyone was laughing at me for singing. Then at college, I still had my friends with me, as they all liked music, but I got laughed at by these 2 teachers called mrs Wall and miss Dickson. I was at a music college, so if they thought I was bad, they should have helped me instead of laughing at me. Then, one of the bullies from my first secondary school who had come here decided to start bullying me again. She was called Aimee. I was living at my own place at this point, so my mum didn't know. I tried to stand up for myself, but she snapped my wrist. Did I forget to mention that the bullying wasn't just about my singing, it was about me as a person and how I looked. Which is what made me who I am today. A person who hates themself. Anyway, because of all this, I developed eating disorders. 3 of them. And these caused depression and anxiety. In my second year of college, I heard some devastating news. One of my other friends called Cara was in a car crash. I rushed to the hospital, but by the time I had got there, she had died. She had left a message for me though, just before she died. She had told the doctor to tell me that she wanted me to take in her little brother as her parents had died earlier that year. So I went and picked up her little brother Ezra from his school. He had known about the news as he came out of school last, crying his eyes out. I had been crying earlier, and wanted to cry again but I decided to stay strong for him. I crouched down and told him he would be ok and that Cara was in a better place. He cried and I picked him up. I walked into his class to talk to his teacher and told him that Ezra wouldn't be in school for a week or so. She understood. I was more depressed than ever, but I tried not to let it show. I took time off college to look after him until he went back to school. He was 11 at the time. Ezra and Cara had no known family which meant that Ezra had lost everything he ever had. He is now 16 and living with his gorgeous girlfriend Kate. That brings us to today. I still have eating disorders and anxiety, but my depression isn't that bad anymore.' Sqaishey started to cry.
'It's ok Sqaish' I said, 'you were brave to tell me that.' She had been talking for a long time now.

Sqaishey's POV

I started to cry, thinking about my life. Then I remembered we still had Joe tied up at home. I had moved in with Stampy and had completely emptied my old place out. Ezra still visited me occasionally though.
'Stampy?' I said.
'Yes love?' He replied.
'We still have Joe at home' I reminded him.
'Oh yeah!' Stampy exclaimed, 'I'll let him go when we get back. Now you go back to sleep Sqaish, you have lost quite a bit of blood' He told me. So I went to sleep.

I updated again! I don't know what to put here so... Haiiiii! Now I'm gone again! Baiiiii!

 Haiiiii! Now I'm gone again! Baiiiii!

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