Chapter 20 ~ War Life

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~Time Skip A Month~

Nicole's POV
Finally! All the pre-recorded videos are uploaded! I finally get to help Squid and support everyone instead of just sitting at home doing my usual daily routine. I'm getting the next flight to Madagascar.

Stampy's POV
Over the past month I have killed 7 people. I'm not proud to say that, but I have to do it to survive out here. All of our pre-recorded videos were now uploaded. Now comes the time where we have to rely on vlogs of war. I hoped and hoped that this day would never come. That the day that we had to upload a video without any editing. Just pure footage. Nothing like I usually do. Only mobile games, but it isn't the right time to be playing games. We are at war and we need to focus on staying safe, not keeping our channels running. I am dreading the day when the first of us goes. We still have all 20 members of our group alive. I know that other groups have lost people. I know that the famous DanTDM is dead. I know that Preston Plays is aswell. And many more, Vloggers, Gamers, Comedians, Musicians and Beauticians. All dead because of a group of evil people.

Netty's POV
Living in fear everyday. I never wanted to live like this. Never. Ever. I am out here with my brother, and any day he could get taken away from me. Any day. Any hour. Any minute. Any second. Any millisecond. You get my point.
10:00 pm...
11:00 pm...
00:00 am...
Never able to sleep...
Up at 7:30 am every day...


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